When starting a new job, establishing connections with coworkers beyond a mere greeting is mutually beneficial. Similarly, when engaging with large companies, business marketers must connect with individuals and teams to secure new and future business. However, this necessitates winning the hearts and minds of everyone on the buying committee.

Account Based Marketing technology (ABM) proves valuable by integrating data management with marketing automation, enabling the creation of personalized campaigns for the B2B customers targeted. With the right technology, marketers can effectively execute their ABM strategy. Here are four ways digital marketing technology can assist:

Utilizing Salesforce Account Based Marketing Technology and Tools for ABM Success:

  • Managing B2B content globally: For businesses overseeing multiple segments, brands, or geographies, customization of legal disclaimers, copyright information, branding standards, and other business content across various locations is crucial. Pardot Business Units and Snippets empower marketers to customize content while maintaining a global account perspective.

AI-Powered Predictions for Campaign Success:

  • Leverage artificial intelligence (AI) to predict campaign success: Advanced AI capabilities assess past performance and use predictive data to inform future strategies. Data connectors facilitate the swift integration of data from diverse external sources, providing marketing, sales, and service teams with a more detailed understanding of their audience.

Test Before Launching with Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Developer Sandboxes:

  • Conducting tests before releasing new features is essential for B2B marketers. Account Engagement now offers developer sandboxes to facilitate pre-launch testing, ensuring a smoother rollout of new functionalities.

Virtual Support Team for Ongoing Guidance:

  • Rely on a virtual support team: Engaging certified experts can offer ongoing guidance, support, and training well after implementation. This enables teams to concentrate on strategic projects and proves particularly beneficial for geographically dispersed teams and diverse brands.

Tectonic is excited to be assisting your company in implementing a successful account-based marketing strategy.

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