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Summary Formulas and Row Level Formulas

Summary Formulas and Row Level Formulas

Salesforce report formulas serve various purposes, from grouping records to performing calculations and comparing data. In the Salesforce Report Builder, you’ll encounter two distinct types of formulas: Summary Formulas and Row-Level Formulas. Although they may sound similar, they serve different functions. Summary Formulas operate across multiple records, displaying their results at the bottom of a

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AI in Sales Enablement

When it comes to integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into the workplace, the question isn’t whether but when. The rapid expansion of AI technology, particularly generative AI, has ushered in a new era filled with both opportunities and uncertainties. Many organizations are grappling with how to harness these technological advancements and whether AI will replace human

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Secure and Compliant Data Sharing With Grantmaking PSS

Secure and Compliant Data Sharing With Grantmaking PSS

Control and Monitor Data Sharing with Compliant Data Sharing in Salesforce Compliant Data Sharing in Salesforce allows administrators and grant managers to control and monitor data sharing within Experience Cloud and CRM without needing to write complex code. By enabling and configuring this feature for specific objects, CRM and Experience Cloud users can seamlessly share

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Talkdesk Dialer for Salesforce

Talkdesk Dialer for Salesforce

Talkdesk Dialer for Salesforce™ Guide Compatibility and ConfigurationTalkdesk Dialer for Salesforce™ is fully compatible with the Conversations app. It is crucial for the dialer to recognize the agent’s login session in the Salesforce Connector, also known as Salesforce’s phone widget or phone CTI. Ensure this connection is correctly configured by following the instructions in the

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Salesforce Marketing Cloud Journey Builder

Entry Sources in Salesforce Journey Builder

Journey Builder in Salesforce Marketing Cloud serves as a tool enabling digital marketers to craft personalized customer journeys by triggering specific actions based on individual customer behavior. Entry sources in Salesforce Journey Builder send customers on a customized journey. The entry source within Journey Builder signifies the starting point of a customer’s journey, determining how

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