Is B2B marketing analytics included in Pardot?
For those using Pardot Plus, the app is included. However, if you use Pardot Pro the app is an add-on so you will need to speak with your Salesforce account manager about enabling this feature. In short, B2B Marketing Analytics is: available in: Pardot Plus and Advanced Editions.

B2B Marketing Analytics is a CRM Analytics app containing marketing and sales data populated via your Salesforce connector.
To explore dashboards and lenses, create an app with the B2B Marketing Analytics template. As feature updates become available to B2B Marketing Analytics, you must upgrade your apps. You can also change an app’s settings at any time by reconfiguring it.

B2B Marketing Analytics is a CRM Analytics app that segments and visualizes your marketing and sales data. After you assign user permissions, marketers can create B2B Marketing Analytics dashboards in CRM Analytics Studio.
Create and assign permission sets for the connector user and B2B Marketing Analytics users. The
app version that you use determines which permission names are available. To find out which license you’re using, head over to Salesforce Setup. Open Company Information, and look for the Permission Set License field. To find your connector version, open Account Engagement Settings. Under Account Information, find the Salesforce Connector Version field. This information can help you determine which permissions your B2B Marketing Analytics users need.
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