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Proper Programmers Desk

Proper Programmers Desk

You’ve probably come across those generic “Proper Programmers Desk Items Under $100” lists. For some reason, there’s always that pointless monitor light and back support included. Let me be the first to call you out: if you need a monitor light to type, you’re not really a programmer. And if you spend money on back

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AI Hallucinations

AI Hallucinations

Generative AI (GenAI) is a powerful tool, but it can sometimes produce outputs that appear true but are actually false. These false outputs are known as hallucinations. As GenAI becomes more widely used, concerns about these hallucinations are growing, and the demand for insurance coverage against such risks is expected to rise. The market for

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MC Personalization Tips and Tricks

MC Personalization Tips and Tricks

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Personalization, formerly Interaction Studio, offers incredible power for personalization. MC Personalization Tips and Tricks below will help you level up your game. Einstein Recipes: Enhancements and Challenges Multiple Dimensional Variations for Products in Einstein Recipes Einstein Recipes offer powerful and flexible tools for creating recommendations. However, the fourth step, Variations, falls short

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