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Patient Trust Tanked in Healthcare During COVID

Patient Trust Tanked in Healthcare During COVID

Patient Trust in Healthcare Declined During COVID-19 Pandemic Patient trust in healthcare providers significantly declined during the COVID-19 pandemic, a trend that some experts believe could threaten public health. New data published in JAMA Network Open outlines the negative impact the pandemic had on patient trust levels. Patient Trust Tanked in Healthcare During COVID. The study, which analyzed survey results collected between April 2020 and January 2024, revealed a 30 percentage point drop in self-reported patient trust. Factors such as age, gender (specifically female), lower educational attainment, lower income, Black race, and living in rural areas were associated with lower trust levels, according to the researchers. These findings come as the healthcare industry examines the broader implications of the pandemic. The focus on patient trust is crucial because of the significant role healthcare providers play in public health and the profound impact the pandemic had on societal attitudes. “During the COVID-19 pandemic, medicine and public health became politicized, with the internet amplifying public figures and even some physicians encouraging distrust in public health experts and scientists,” the investigators wrote. “As such, the pandemic may have represented a turning point in trust, with a profession previously seen as trustworthy increasingly subject to doubt.” The data, drawn from 24 waves of surveys involving more than 443,000 individuals over age 18, showed that healthcare professionals began the pandemic with high trust ratings—71.5% of individuals reported trust in physicians and hospitals. However, by January 2024, this number had fallen to 40.1%. The decline in trust could have serious repercussions for public health. Lower patient trust was linked to a reduced likelihood of receiving flu or COVID-19 vaccinations. Patient Trust Tanked in Healthcare During COVID “Our results cannot establish causation, but in the context of prior studies documenting associations between physician trust and more positive health outcomes, they raise the possibility that the decrease in trust during the pandemic could have long-lasting public health implications,” the researchers explained. Conversely, higher levels of trust were associated with healthier behaviors, particularly the receipt of the COVID-19 vaccine, flu shots, and COVID-19 boosters. To address this issue, the healthcare sector should focus on reaffirming patient trust in physicians and hospitals. However, this may be a challenging task. A previous Cochrane review found that no intervention meaningfully changed trust in physicians, despite numerous efforts that generally had modest effects. “A better understanding of groups exhibiting particularly low trust, and the factors associated with that diminished trust, may be valuable in guiding future intervention development and deployment,” the researchers suggested. These findings contrast sharply with the early stages of the pandemic, including the COVID-19 vaccine rollout when public health experts touted doctors as among the most trusted COVID-19 messengers. The study could not pinpoint a specific reason for the loss of patient trust, noting that it was not linked to political affiliation nor fully explained by a lack of trust in science. This indicates that there was something particular about healthcare itself that contributed to the decline in trust during the pandemic. Further research is necessary to uncover more trends among individuals whose trust levels decreased during the pandemic, the researchers recommended. Like Related Posts Salesforce OEM AppExchange Expanding its reach beyond CRM, Salesforce.com has launched a new service called AppExchange OEM Edition, aimed at non-CRM service providers. Read more Salesforce Jigsaw Salesforce.com, a prominent figure in cloud computing, has finalized a deal to acquire Jigsaw, a wiki-style business contact database, for Read more Health Cloud Brings Healthcare Transformation Following swiftly after last week’s successful launch of Financial Services Cloud, Salesforce has announced the second installment in its series Read more Top Ten Reasons Why Tectonic Loves the Cloud The Cloud is Good for Everyone – Why Tectonic loves the cloud You don’t need to worry about tracking licenses. Read more

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LLMs Turn CSVs into Knowledge Graphs

LLMs Turn CSVs into Knowledge Graphs

Neo4j Runway and Healthcare Knowledge Graphs Recently, Neo4j Runway was introduced as a tool to simplify the migration of relational data into graph structures. LLMs Turn CSVs into Knowledge Graphs. According to its GitHub page, “Neo4j Runway is a Python library that simplifies the process of migrating your relational data into a graph. It provides tools that abstract communication with OpenAI to run discovery on your data and generate a data model, as well as tools to generate ingestion code and load your data into a Neo4j instance.” In essence, by uploading a CSV file, the LLM identifies the nodes and relationships, automatically generating a Knowledge Graph. Knowledge Graphs in healthcare are powerful tools for organizing and analyzing complex medical data. These graphs structure information to elucidate relationships between different entities, such as diseases, treatments, patients, and healthcare providers. Applications of Knowledge Graphs in Healthcare Integration of Diverse Data Sources Knowledge graphs can integrate data from various sources such as electronic health records (EHRs), medical research papers, clinical trial results, genomic data, and patient histories. Improving Clinical Decision Support By linking symptoms, diagnoses, treatments, and outcomes, knowledge graphs can enhance clinical decision support systems (CDSS). They provide a comprehensive view of interconnected medical knowledge, potentially improving diagnostic accuracy and treatment effectiveness. Personalized Medicine Knowledge graphs enable the development of personalized treatment plans by correlating patient-specific data with broader medical knowledge. This includes understanding relationships between genetic information, disease mechanisms, and therapeutic responses, leading to more tailored healthcare interventions. Drug Discovery and Development In pharmaceutical research, knowledge graphs can accelerate drug discovery by identifying potential drug targets and understanding the biological pathways involved in diseases. Public Health and Epidemiology Knowledge graphs are useful in public health for tracking disease outbreaks, understanding epidemiological trends, and planning interventions. They integrate data from various public health databases, social media, and other sources to provide real-time insights into public health threats. Neo4j Runway Library Neo4j Runway is an open-source library created by Alex Gilmore. The GitHub repository and a blog post describe its features and capabilities. Currently, the library supports OpenAI LLM for parsing CSVs and offers the following features: The library eliminates the need to write Cypher queries manually, as the LLM handles all CSV-to-Knowledge Graph conversions. Additionally, Langchain’s GraphCypherQAChain can be used to generate Cypher queries from prompts, allowing for querying the graph without writing a single line of Cypher code. Practical Implementation in Healthcare To test Neo4j Runway in a healthcare context, a simple dataset from Kaggle (Disease Symptoms and Patient Profile Dataset) was used. This dataset includes columns such as Disease, Fever, Cough, Fatigue, Difficulty Breathing, Age, Gender, Blood Pressure, Cholesterol Level, and Outcome Variable. The goal was to provide a medical report to the LLM to get diagnostic hypotheses. Libraries and Environment Setup pythonCopy code# Install necessary packages sudo apt install python3-pydot graphviz pip install neo4j-runway # Import necessary libraries import numpy as np import pandas as pd from neo4j_runway import Discovery, GraphDataModeler, IngestionGenerator, LLM, PyIngest from IPython.display import display, Markdown, Image Load Environment Variables pythonCopy codeload_dotenv() OPENAI_API_KEY = os.getenv(‘sk-openaiapikeyhere’) NEO4J_URL = os.getenv(‘neo4j+s://your.databases.neo4j.io’) NEO4J_PASSWORD = os.getenv(‘yourneo4jpassword’) Load and Prepare Medical Data pythonCopy codedisease_df = pd.read_csv(‘/home/user/Disease_symptom.csv’) disease_df.columns = disease_df.columns.str.strip() for i in disease_df.columns: disease_df[i] = disease_df[i].astype(str) disease_df.to_csv(‘/home/user/disease_prepared.csv’, index=False) Data Description for the LLM pythonCopy codeDATA_DESCRIPTION = { ‘Disease’: ‘The name of the disease or medical condition.’, ‘Fever’: ‘Indicates whether the patient has a fever (Yes/No).’, ‘Cough’: ‘Indicates whether the patient has a cough (Yes/No).’, ‘Fatigue’: ‘Indicates whether the patient experiences fatigue (Yes/No).’, ‘Difficulty Breathing’: ‘Indicates whether the patient has difficulty breathing (Yes/No).’, ‘Age’: ‘The age of the patient in years.’, ‘Gender’: ‘The gender of the patient (Male/Female).’, ‘Blood Pressure’: ‘The blood pressure level of the patient (Normal/High).’, ‘Cholesterol Level’: ‘The cholesterol level of the patient (Normal/High).’, ‘Outcome Variable’: ‘The outcome variable indicating the result of the diagnosis or assessment for the specific disease (Positive/Negative).’ } Data Analysis and Model Creation pythonCopy codedisc = Discovery(llm=llm, user_input=DATA_DESCRIPTION, data=disease_df) disc.run() # Instantiate and create initial graph data model gdm = GraphDataModeler(llm=llm, discovery=disc) gdm.create_initial_model() gdm.current_model.visualize() Adjust Relationships pythonCopy codegdm.iterate_model(user_corrections=”’ Let’s think step by step. Please make the following updates to the data model: 1. Remove the relationships between Patient and Disease, between Patient and Symptom and between Patient and Outcome. 2. Change the Patient node into Demographics. 3. Create a relationship HAS_DEMOGRAPHICS from Disease to Demographics. 4. Create a relationship HAS_SYMPTOM from Disease to Symptom. If the Symptom value is No, remove this relationship. 5. Create a relationship HAS_LAB from Disease to HealthIndicator. 6. Create a relationship HAS_OUTCOME from Disease to Outcome. ”’) # Visualize the updated model gdm.current_model.visualize().render(‘output’, format=’png’) img = Image(‘output.png’, width=1200) display(img) Generate Cypher Code and YAML File pythonCopy code# Instantiate ingestion generator gen = IngestionGenerator(data_model=gdm.current_model, username=”neo4j”, password=’yourneo4jpasswordhere’, uri=’neo4j+s://123654888.databases.neo4j.io’, database=”neo4j”, csv_dir=”/home/user/”, csv_name=”disease_prepared.csv”) # Create ingestion YAML pyingest_yaml = gen.generate_pyingest_yaml_string() gen.generate_pyingest_yaml_file(file_name=”disease_prepared”) # Load data into Neo4j instance PyIngest(yaml_string=pyingest_yaml, dataframe=disease_df) Querying the Graph Database cypherCopy codeMATCH (n) WHERE n:Demographics OR n:Disease OR n:Symptom OR n:Outcome OR n:HealthIndicator OPTIONAL MATCH (n)-[r]->(m) RETURN n, r, m Visualizing Specific Nodes and Relationships cypherCopy codeMATCH (n:Disease {name: ‘Diabetes’}) WHERE n:Demographics OR n:Disease OR n:Symptom OR n:Outcome OR n:HealthIndicator OPTIONAL MATCH (n)-[r]->(m) RETURN n, r, m MATCH (d:Disease) MATCH (d)-[r:HAS_LAB]->(l) MATCH (d)-[r2:HAS_OUTCOME]->(o) WHERE l.bloodPressure = ‘High’ AND o.result=’Positive’ RETURN d, properties(d) AS disease_properties, r, properties(r) AS relationship_properties, l, properties(l) AS lab_properties Automated Cypher Query Generation with Gemini-1.5-Flash To automatically generate a Cypher query via Langchain (GraphCypherQAChain) and retrieve possible diseases based on a patient’s symptoms and health indicators, the following setup was used: Initialize Vertex AI pythonCopy codeimport warnings import json from langchain_community.graphs import Neo4jGraph with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter(‘ignore’) NEO4J_USERNAME = “neo4j” NEO4J_DATABASE = ‘neo4j’ NEO4J_URI = ‘neo4j+s://1236547.databases.neo4j.io’ NEO4J_PASSWORD = ‘yourneo4jdatabasepasswordhere’ # Get the Knowledge Graph from the instance and the schema kg = Neo4jGraph( url=NEO4J_URI, username=NEO4J_USERNAME, password=NEO4J_PASSWORD, database=NEO4J_DATABASE ) kg.refresh_schema() print(textwrap.fill(kg.schema, 60)) schema = kg.schema Initialize Vertex AI pythonCopy codefrom langchain.prompts.prompt import PromptTemplate from langchain.chains import GraphCypherQAChain from langchain.llms import VertexAI vertexai.init(project=”your-project”, location=”us-west4″) llm = VertexAI(model=”gemini-1.5-flash”) Create the Prompt Template pythonCopy codeprompt_template = “”” Let’s think step by

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Salesforce Research Produces INDICT

Salesforce Research Produces INDICT

Automating and assisting in coding holds tremendous promise for speeding up and enhancing software development. Yet, ensuring that these advancements yield secure and effective code presents a significant challenge. Balancing functionality with safety is crucial, especially given the potential risks associated with malicious exploitation of generated code. Salesforce Research Produces INDICT. In practical applications, Large Language Models (LLMs) often struggle with ambiguous or adversarial instructions, sometimes leading to unintended security vulnerabilities or facilitating harmful attacks. This isn’t merely theoretical; empirical studies, such as those on GitHub’s Copilot, have revealed that a substantial portion of generated programs—about 40%—contained vulnerabilities. Addressing these risks is vital for unlocking the full potential of LLMs in coding while safeguarding against potential threats. Current strategies to mitigate these risks include fine-tuning LLMs with safety-focused datasets and implementing rule-based detectors to identify insecure code patterns. However, fine-tuning alone may not suffice against sophisticated attack prompts, and creating high-quality safety-related data can be resource-intensive. Meanwhile, rule-based systems may not cover all vulnerability scenarios, leaving gaps that could be exploited. To address these challenges, researchers at Salesforce Research have introduced the INDICT framework. INDICT employs a novel approach involving dual critics—one focused on safety and the other on helpfulness—to enhance the quality of LLM-generated code. This framework facilitates internal dialogues between the critics, leveraging external knowledge sources like code snippets and web searches to provide informed critiques and iterative feedback. INDICT operates through two key stages: preemptive and post-hoc feedback. In the preemptive stage, the safety critic assesses potential risks during code generation, while the helpfulness critic ensures alignment with task requirements. External knowledge sources enrich their evaluations. In the post-hoc stage, after code execution, both critics review outcomes to refine future outputs, ensuring continuous improvement. Evaluation of INDICT across eight diverse tasks and programming languages demonstrated substantial enhancements in both safety and helpfulness metrics. The framework achieved a remarkable 10% absolute improvement in code quality overall. For instance, in CyberSecEval-1 benchmarks, INDICT enhanced code safety by up to 30%, with over 90% of outputs deemed secure. Additionally, the helpfulness metric showed significant gains, surpassing state-of-the-art baselines by up to 70%. INDICT’s success lies in its ability to provide detailed, context-aware critiques that guide LLMs towards generating more secure and functional code. By integrating safety and helpfulness feedback, the framework sets new standards for responsible AI in coding, addressing critical concerns about functionality and security in automated software development. Like Related Posts Salesforce OEM AppExchange Expanding its reach beyond CRM, Salesforce.com has launched a new service called AppExchange OEM Edition, aimed at non-CRM service providers. Read more The Salesforce Story In Marc Benioff’s own words How did salesforce.com grow from a start up in a rented apartment into the world’s Read more Salesforce Jigsaw Salesforce.com, a prominent figure in cloud computing, has finalized a deal to acquire Jigsaw, a wiki-style business contact database, for Read more Health Cloud Brings Healthcare Transformation Following swiftly after last week’s successful launch of Financial Services Cloud, Salesforce has announced the second installment in its series Read more

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Forecasting With Foundation Models

Forecasting With Foundation Models

On Hugging Face, there are 20 models tagged as “time series” at the time of writing. While this number is relatively low compared to the 125,950 results for the “text-generation-inference” tag, time series forecasting with foundation models has attracted significant interest from major companies such as Amazon, IBM, and Salesforce, which have developed their own models: Chronos, TinyTimeMixer, and Moirai, respectively. Currently, one of the most popular time series models on Hugging Face is Lag-Llama, a univariate probabilistic model developed by Kashif Rasul, Arjun Ashok, and their co-authors. Open-sourced in February 2024, the authors claim that Lag-Llama possesses strong zero-shot generalization capabilities across various datasets and domains. Once fine-tuned, they assert it becomes the best general-purpose model of its kind. In this insight, we showcase experience fine-tuning Lag-Llama and tests its capabilities against a more classical machine learning approach, specifically an XGBoost model designed for univariate time series data. Gradient boosting algorithms like XGBoost are widely regarded as the pinnacle of classical machine learning (as opposed to deep learning) and perform exceptionally well with tabular data. Therefore, it is fitting to benchmark Lag-Llama against XGBoost to determine if the foundation model lives up to its promises. The results, however, are not straightforward. The data used for this exercise is a four-year-long series of hourly wave heights off the coast of Ribadesella, a town in the Spanish region of Asturias. The data, available from the Spanish ports authority data portal, spans from June 18, 2020, to June 18, 2024. For the purposes of this study, the series is aggregated to a daily level by taking the maximum wave height recorded each day. This aggregation helps illustrate the concepts more clearly, as results become volatile with higher granularity. The target variable is the maximum height of the waves recorded each day, measured in meters. Several reasons influenced the choice of this series. First, the Lag-Llama model was trained on some weather-related data, making this type of data slightly challenging yet manageable for the model. Second, while meteorological forecasts are typically produced using numerical weather models, statistical models can complement these forecasts, especially for long-range predictions. In the era of climate change, statistical models can provide a baseline expectation and highlight deviations from typical patterns. The dataset is standard and requires minimal preprocessing, such as imputing a few missing values. After splitting the data into training, validation, and test sets, with the latter two covering five months each, the next step involves benchmarking Lag-Llama against XGBoost on two univariate forecasting tasks: point forecasting and probabilistic forecasting. Point forecasting gives a specific prediction, while probabilistic forecasting provides a confidence interval. While Lag-Llama was primarily trained for probabilistic forecasting, point forecasts are useful for illustrative purposes. Forecasts involve several considerations, such as the forecast horizon, the last observations fed into the model, and how often the model is updated. This study uses a recursive multi-step forecast without updating the model, with a step size of seven days. This means the model produces batches of seven forecasts at a time, using the latest predictions to generate the next set without retraining. Point forecasting performance is measured using Mean Absolute Error (MAE), while probabilistic forecasting is evaluated based on empirical coverage or coverage probability of 80%. The XGBoost model is defined using Skforecast, a library that facilitates the development and testing of forecasters. The ForecasterAutoreg object is created with an XGBoost regressor, and the optimal number of lags is determined through Bayesian optimization. The resulting model uses 21 lags of the target variable and various hyperparameters optimized through the search. The performance of the XGBoost forecaster is assessed through backtesting, which evaluates the model on a test set. The model’s MAE is 0.64, indicating that predictions are, on average, 64 cm off from the actual measurements. This performance is better than a simple rule-based forecast, which has an MAE of 0.84. For probabilistic forecasting, Skforecast calculates prediction intervals using bootstrapped residuals. The intervals cover 84.67% of the test set values, slightly above the target of 80%, with an interval area of 348.28. Next, the zero-shot performance of Lag-Llama is examined. Using context lengths of 32, 64, and 128 tokens, the model’s MAE ranges from 0.75 to 0.77, higher than the XGBoost forecaster’s MAE. Probabilistic forecasting with Lag-Llama shows varying coverage and interval areas, with the 128-token model achieving an 84.67% coverage and an area of 399.25, similar to XGBoost’s performance. Fine-tuning Lag-Llama involves adjusting context length and learning rate. Despite various configurations, the fine-tuned model does not significantly outperform the zero-shot model in terms of MAE or coverage. In conclusion, Lag-Llama’s performance, without training, is comparable to an optimized traditional forecaster like XGBoost. Fine-tuning does not yield substantial improvements, suggesting that more training data might be necessary. When choosing between Lag-Llama and XGBoost, factors such as ease of use, deployment, maintenance, and inference costs should be considered, with XGBoost likely having an edge in these areas. The code used in this study is publicly available on a GitHub repository for further exploration. Like Related Posts Salesforce OEM AppExchange Expanding its reach beyond CRM, Salesforce.com has launched a new service called AppExchange OEM Edition, aimed at non-CRM service providers. Read more The Salesforce Story In Marc Benioff’s own words How did salesforce.com grow from a start up in a rented apartment into the world’s Read more Salesforce Jigsaw Salesforce.com, a prominent figure in cloud computing, has finalized a deal to acquire Jigsaw, a wiki-style business contact database, for Read more Health Cloud Brings Healthcare Transformation Following swiftly after last week’s successful launch of Financial Services Cloud, Salesforce has announced the second installment in its series Read more

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What is CrowdStrike?

What is CrowdStrike?

Global Outage Linked to CrowdStrike: What You Need to Know On Friday, a major global outage caused widespread disruptions, including flight cancellations, outages at hospitals and banks, and interruptions for broadcasters and businesses worldwide. Microsoft attributed the issue to a problem related to CrowdStrike, a cybersecurity and cloud technology firm. About CrowdStrike CrowdStrike, based in Austin, Texas, was founded in 2011 and offers a range of cybersecurity and IT tools. The company supports nearly 300 Fortune 500 firms and provides services to major companies such as Target, Salesforce, and T-Mobile. What Happened? The outage affected various public and private sectors globally, including airlines, banks, railways, and hospitals. According to CrowdStrike’s CEO, George Kurtz, the issue originated from a technical defect in a software update for Windows 10 systems, not from a cyberattack. A fix has been implemented, but some Microsoft 365 apps and services may still experience issues. Flight Disruptions Due to technical problems, American Airlines, United, and Delta requested a global ground stop for all flights on Friday morning. This led to the cancellation of at least 540 flights in the U.S. and significant delays at major airports, including Philadelphia International Airport. Stock Market Impact The outage affected the stock prices of both Microsoft and CrowdStrike. Premarket trading saw Microsoft’s stock (MSFT) drop 2.9% to $427.70, while CrowdStrike shares (CRWD) fell nearly 19% to $279.50, according to the Wall Street Journal. Other Effects The outage impacted universities, hospitals, and various organizations that rely on Microsoft systems. Thousands of train services were canceled in the U.S. and Europe, and some broadcast stations went off air. Hospitals, including Penn and Main Line Health in Philadelphia, canceled elective procedures due to technical difficulties. Blue Screens of Death Millions of Windows 10 users encountered “blue screens of death” (BSOD), indicating a critical error with the system. This problem arose from a bug linked to a Windows update, leaving many users unable to reboot their devices. Next Steps for Users Microsoft is rolling out an update to address the bug. CrowdStrike advises affected users to monitor the company’s customer support portal for further assistance. This incident highlights the significant impact of cybersecurity and software issues on global operations, emphasizing the importance of robust IT solutions and rapid response strategies. Like Related Posts Salesforce OEM AppExchange Expanding its reach beyond CRM, Salesforce.com has launched a new service called AppExchange OEM Edition, aimed at non-CRM service providers. Read more The Salesforce Story In Marc Benioff’s own words How did salesforce.com grow from a start up in a rented apartment into the world’s Read more Salesforce Jigsaw Salesforce.com, a prominent figure in cloud computing, has finalized a deal to acquire Jigsaw, a wiki-style business contact database, for Read more Health Cloud Brings Healthcare Transformation Following swiftly after last week’s successful launch of Financial Services Cloud, Salesforce has announced the second installment in its series Read more

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Can We Customize Manufacturing Cloud For Our Business

Can We Customize Manufacturing Cloud For Our Business?

Yes, Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud Can Be Customized to Meet Your Business Needs Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud is designed to be highly customizable, allowing manufacturing organizations to tailor it to their unique business requirements. Whether it’s adapting the platform to fit specific workflows, integrating with third-party systems, or enhancing reporting capabilities, Salesforce provides robust customization options to meet the specific needs of manufacturers. Here are key ways Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud can be customized: 1. Custom Data Models and Objects Salesforce allows you to create custom objects and fields to track data beyond the standard model. This flexibility enables businesses to manage unique production metrics or product configurations seamlessly within the platform. Customization Options: 2. Sales Agreement Customization Sales Agreements in Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud can be tailored to reflect your business’s specific contract terms and pricing models. You can adjust agreement structures, including the customization of terms, conditions, and rebate tracking. Customization Options: 3. Custom Workflows and Automation Salesforce offers tools like Flow Builder and Process Builder, allowing manufacturers to automate routine tasks and create custom workflows that streamline operations. Customization Options: 4. Integration with Third-Party Systems Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud can integrate seamlessly with ERP systems (like SAP or Oracle), inventory management platforms, and IoT devices to ensure a smooth data flow across departments. Integration Options: 5. Custom Reports and Dashboards With Salesforce’s robust reporting tools, you can create custom reports and dashboards that provide real-time insights into key performance indicators (KPIs) relevant to your manufacturing operations. Customization Options: 6. Custom User Interfaces Salesforce Lightning allows you to customize user interfaces to meet the needs of different roles within your organization, such as production managers or sales teams. This ensures users have quick access to relevant data. Customization Options: Conclusion Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud provides a wide range of customization options to suit the unique needs of your manufacturing business. Whether it’s adjusting data models, automating processes, or integrating with external systems, Manufacturing Cloud can be tailored to meet your operational goals. By leveraging these customizations, manufacturers can optimize their operations, improve data accuracy, and gain real-time insights to boost efficiency. If you need help customizing Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud, Service Cloud, or Sales Cloud for your business, our Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud Services team is here to assist. Like Related Posts Salesforce OEM AppExchange Expanding its reach beyond CRM, Salesforce.com has launched a new service called AppExchange OEM Edition, aimed at non-CRM service providers. Read more The Salesforce Story In Marc Benioff’s own words How did salesforce.com grow from a start up in a rented apartment into the world’s Read more Salesforce Jigsaw Salesforce.com, a prominent figure in cloud computing, has finalized a deal to acquire Jigsaw, a wiki-style business contact database, for Read more Health Cloud Brings Healthcare Transformation Following swiftly after last week’s successful launch of Financial Services Cloud, Salesforce has announced the second installment in its series Read more

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Google Wiz and Cybersecurity

Google Wiz and Cybersecurity

Google is reportedly in advanced talks to acquire Israeli cybersecurity firm Wiz for up to $23 billion, according to The Wall Street Journal. While the sum is substantial, some have expressed surprising discontent, viewing it as “very good, but not great.” This sentiment revolves around the missed opportunity for an IPO and the loss of an Israeli giant that will no longer grow locally. Additionally, if Wiz had been registered in Israel, the transaction would have generated higher revenues for the state treasury. Google Wiz and Cybersecurity certainly aren’t hard to fathom. Founded by Assaf Rappaport, a former officer from Israel’s elite 8200 intelligence unit, Wiz has quickly risen in value. The unit has a track record of producing tech entrepreneurs, significantly contributing to Israel’s robust tech industry. The potential deal underscores the resilience of Israel’s tech sector, which accounts for about 20% of the country’s output and 15% of jobs, even as the war in Gaza pressures the economy. However, with today’s massive cyber attack inadvertently caused by a cybersecurity company, some may hesitate to make such an investment. The attack, linked to a faulty system update from CrowdStrike, a U.S. firm used by over half of Fortune 500 companies, resulted in widespread disruptions. These included grounding flights, hampering public transit systems, and affecting operations at banks and hospitals globally. CrowdStrike’s CEO, George Kurtz, apologized for the disruptions and noted that the issue had been identified and resolved. The incident, not a security breach or cyberattack, caused Microsoft Windows systems to crash, affecting public transit systems, stock exchanges, and various institutions worldwide. Google Wiz and Cybersecurity Despite this, Google’s acquisition of Wiz appears strategically sound, aiming to enhance its cloud security capabilities and position Google Cloud as a major competitor to Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services. The advanced technology from Wiz will help Google close the gap in the fiercely competitive cloud security market. Cybersecurity expert Chuck Brooks sees the acquisition as a game-changer, enhancing Google’s ability to conduct comprehensive threat assessments on IT infrastructure and improving DevOps processes. By integrating Wiz’s framework, Google aims to streamline development jobs and make them more secure. However, such bold mergers are not without risk. Tech advisor Vaclav Vincalek cautions that mega transactions can be dangerous for both companies, citing historical examples like Microsoft’s acquisitions of Skype and Nokia, and Google’s purchase of Motorola. Pierre Bourgeix, CEO and Founder of ESI Convergint, believes the acquisition could position Google to compete head-to-head with Amazon, especially given Microsoft Azure’s recent security breaches. Omri Weinberg, Co-Founder and CRO of DoControl, views the deal as a significant statement about the importance of cloud security. In summary, Google’s potential $23 billion acquisition of Wiz not only highlights the value of Israel’s tech talent but also represents a strategic move to enhance its cloud security capabilities. This positions Google as a major force in the cybersecurity market, with the potential to set new standards for cloud security and influence industry best practices. More on today’s outage Public transit systems in the U.S. reported impacts. The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority in Washington, D.C., said its “website and some of our internal systems are currently down,” but that trains and buses were running as scheduled. In New York City, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority also said its buses and trains were unaffected but that “some MTA customer information systems are temporarily offline due to a worldwide technical outage.” Around the world, the outages disrupted London’s Stock Exchange, caused major train delays in the U.K., sent British broadcaster Sky News off air, forced medical facilities in Europe and the U.S. to cancel some services and caused disruptions at airports in Europe, Singapore, Hong Kong and India. Some U.S. border crossings saw impacts amid the outage: Traffic stalled on the Ambassador Bridge, which connects Detroit with Windsor, Ontario, Canada, as well as at the Detroit-Windsor Tunnel, the Detroit Free Press reported. CBP One, the Customs and Border Patrol app, and the agency’s border wait times website, each appeared to experience outages. On a sweeter note, Krispy Kreme is giving away free doughnuts Friday due to the global tech outage. Dubai International Airport said on X it is operating normally following “a global system outage that affected the check-in process for some airlines.” It added the affected airlines “promptly switched to an alternate system, allowing normal check-in operations to resume swiftly.” Portland, Oregon, Mayor Ted Wheeler issued an emergency declaration Friday over the tech outage, with a statement noting the outages are affecting city servers, employee computers and emergency communications. Meanwhile, the Maryland Department of Emergency Management increased its state activation level from “normal” to “partial,” citing the tech outage. A post on X says a “partial” activation is for incidents that require “significant monitoring or resources,” with additional emergency operations staffing from other agencies, functions and supporting organizations. CrowdStrike is a popular cybersecurity software company created in 2012 by CEO George Kurtz, along with Dmitri Alperovitch, and Gregg Marston. According to its website, CrowdStrike has the “world’s most advanced cloud-native platform that protects and enables the people, processes and technologies that drive modern enterprise.” According to an alert sent by CrowdStrike to its clients and reviewed by Reuters, the company’s “Falcon Sensor” software caused Microsoft Windows to crash and display a blue screen, known informally as the “Blue Screen of Death.” Kurtz said “there was an issue with a Falcon content update for Windows Hosts” but customers “remain fully protected,” according to Kurtz’s post on X. The CrowdStrike outage crashed some computers at colleges Friday and hampered a popular software for enrolling students in K-12 schools for the fall. The University of Rochester, a private school in New York, told students to keep rebooting their systems until the problem was fixed. The University of Alabama’s technology office said its campus computers using Microsoft Windows crashed. Rutgers University and the University of Kentucky also reported disruptions. State and local law enforcement agencies across the country reported disruptions to 911 services after

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Boost Payer Patient Education

Boost Payer Patient Education

As a pediatrician with 15 years of experience in the pediatric emergency department, Cathy Moffitt, MD, understands the critical role of patient education. Now, as Senior Vice President and Aetna Chief Medical Officer at CVS Health, she applies that knowledge to the payer space. “Education is empowerment. It’s engagement. It’s crucial for equipping patients to navigate their healthcare journey. Now, overseeing a large payer like Aetna, I still firmly believe in the power of health education,” Moffitt shared on an episode of Healthcare Strategies. At a payer organization like Aetna, patient education begins with data analytics to better understand the member population. According to Moffitt, key insights from data can help payers determine the optimal time to share educational materials with members. “People are most receptive to education when they need help in the moment,” she explained. If educational opportunities are presented when members aren’t focused on their health needs, the information is less likely to resonate. Aetna’s Next Best Action initiative, launched in 2018, embodies this timing-driven approach. In this program, Aetna employees proactively reach out to members with specific conditions to provide personalized guidance on managing their health. This often includes educational resources delivered at the right moment when members are most open to learning. Data also enables payers to tailor educational efforts to a member’s demographics, including race, sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity, and location. By factoring in these elements, payers can ensure their communications are relevant and easy to understand. To enhance this personalized approach, Aetna offers translation services and provides customer service training focused on sensitivity to sexual orientation and gender identity. In addition, updating the provider directory to reflect a diverse network helps members feel more comfortable with their care providers, making them more likely to engage with educational resources. “Understanding our members’ backgrounds and needs, whether it’s acute or chronic illness, allows us to engage them more effectively,” Moffitt said. “This is the foundation of our approach to leveraging data for meaningful patient education.” With over two decades in both provider and payer roles, Moffitt has observed key trends in patient education, particularly its success in mental health and preventive care. She highlighted the role of technology in these areas. Efforts to educate patients about mental health have reduced stigma and increased awareness of mental wellness. Telemedicine has significantly improved access to mental healthcare, according to Moffitt. In preventive care, more people are aware of the importance of cancer screenings, vaccines, wellness visits, and other preventive measures. Moffitt pointed to the rising use of home health visits and retail clinics as contributing factors for Aetna members. Looking ahead, Moffitt sees personalized engagement as the future of patient education. Members increasingly want information tailored to their preferences, delivered through their preferred channels—whether by email, text, phone, or other methods. Omnichannel solutions will be essential to meeting this demand, and while healthcare has already made progress, Moffitt expects even more innovation in the years to come. “I can’t predict exactly where we’ll be in 10 years, just as I couldn’t have predicted where we are now a decade ago,” Moffitt said. “But we will continue to evolve and meet the needs of our members with the technological advancements we’re committed to.” Contact Us To discover how Salesforce can advance your patient payer education, contact Tectonic today. Like Related Posts Salesforce OEM AppExchange Expanding its reach beyond CRM, Salesforce.com has launched a new service called AppExchange OEM Edition, aimed at non-CRM service providers. Read more The Salesforce Story In Marc Benioff’s own words How did salesforce.com grow from a start up in a rented apartment into the world’s Read more Salesforce Jigsaw Salesforce.com, a prominent figure in cloud computing, has finalized a deal to acquire Jigsaw, a wiki-style business contact database, for Read more Health Cloud Brings Healthcare Transformation Following swiftly after last week’s successful launch of Financial Services Cloud, Salesforce has announced the second installment in its series Read more

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Private Connectivity Between Salesforce and On-Premise Network

Private Connectivity Between Salesforce and On-Premise Network

Salesforce is an AWS Partner and a trusted global leader in customer relationship management (CRM). Hyperforce is the next-generation Salesforce architecture, built on Amazon Web Services (AWS). Private Connectivity Between Salesforce and On-Premise Network explained. When business applications developed on Hyperforce are integrated with on-premises systems, traffic in both directions will flow over the internet. For customers in heavily regulated industries such as the public sector and financial services, programmatic access of the Salesforce APIs hosted on Hyperforce from on-premises systems is required to traverse a private connection. Conversely, accessing on-premises systems from business applications running in Hyperforce is required to use a private connection. In this insight, AWS describes how AWS Direct Connect and AWS Transit Gateway can be used in conjunction with Salesforce Private Connect to facilitate the private, bidirectional exchange of organizational data. Architectural overview How to use AWS Direct Connect to establish a dedicated, managed, and reliable connection to Hyperforce. The approach used a public virtual interface to facilitate connectivity to public Hyperforce endpoints. The approach in this insight demonstrates the use of a private or transit virtual interface to establish a dedicated, private connection to Hyperforce using Salesforce Private Connect. Approach AWS Direct Connect is set up between the on-premises network and a virtual private cloud (VPC) residing inside a customer’s AWS account to provide connectivity from the on-premises network to AWS. The exchange of data between the customer VPC and Salesforce’s transit VPC is facilitated through the Salesforce Private Connect feature, based on AWS PrivateLink technology. AWS PrivateLink allows consumers to securely access a service located in a service provider’s VPC as if it were located in the consumer’s VPC. Using Salesforce Private Connect, traffic is routed through a fully managed network connection between your Salesforce organization and your VPC instead of over the internet. The following table shows the definitions of inbound and outbound connections in the context of Salesforce Private Connect: Direction Inbound Outbound Description Traffic that flows into Salesforce Traffic that flows out of Salesforce Use cases AWS to Salesforce Salesforce to AWS On-premises network to Salesforce Salesforce to on-premises network Inbound and Outbound This pattern can only be adopted for Salesforce services supported by Salesforce Private Connect, such as Experience Cloud, Financial Services Cloud, Health Cloud, Platform Cloud, Sales Cloud, and Service Cloud. Check the latest Salesforce documentation for the specific Salesforce services that are supported. Furthermore, this architecture is only applicable to the inbound and outbound exchange of data and does not pertain to the access of the Salesforce UI. The following diagram shows the end-to-end solution of how private connectivity is facilitated bidirectionally. In this example, on-premises servers located on the network are required to privately exchange data with applications running on the Hyperforce platform. Figure 1: Using AWS Direct Connect and Salesforce Private Connect to establish private, bidirectional connectivity Prerequisites for Private Connectivity Between Salesforce and On-Premise Network In order to implement this solution, the following prerequisites are required on both the Salesforce and AWS side. Salesforce Refer to Salesforce documentation for detailed requirements on migrating your Salesforce organization to Hyperforce. AWS Network flow between on-premises data center and Salesforce API The following figure shows how both inbound and outbound traffic flows through the architecture. Figure 2: Network flow between on-premises data center and Salesforce Inbound Outbound Considerations for Private Connectivity Between Salesforce and On-Premise Network Before you set up the private, bidirectional exchange of organizational data with AWS Direct Connect, AWS Transit Gateway, and Salesforce Private Connect, review these considerations. Resiliency We recommend that you set up multiple AWS Direct Connect connections to provide resilient communication paths to the AWS Region, especially if the traffic between your on-premises resources and Hyperforce is business-critical. Refer to the AWS documentation on how to achieve high and maximum resiliency for your AWS Direct Connect deployments. For inbound traffic flow, we recommend that the VPC endpoint is configured across Availability Zones for high availability. Configure customer DNS records for the Salesforce API with IP addresses associated with the VPC endpoint and implement the DNS failover or load-balancing mechanism on the customer side. For outbound traffic flow, we recommend that you configure your Network Load Balancer with two or more Availability Zones for high availability. Security For inbound traffic flow, source IP addresses used by the incoming connection are displayed in the Salesforce Private Connect inbound configuration. We recommend that these IP ranges be used in Salesforce configurations that permit the enforcement of source IP. Refer to the Salesforce documentation Restrict Access to Trusted IP Ranges for a Connected App to learn how you can use these IP ranges can to control access to the Salesforce APIs. You access Salesforce APIs using an encrypted TLS connection. AWS Direct Connect also offers a number of additional data in transit encryption options, including support for private IP VPNs over AWS Direct Connect and MAC security. An IP virtual private network (VPN) encrypts end-to-end traffic using an IPsec VPN tunnel, while MAC Security (MACsec) provides point-to-point encryption between devices. For outbound traffic flow, we recommend that you configure TLS listeners on your Network Load Balancers to ensure that traffic to the Network Load Balancer is encrypted. Cost optimization If your use case is to solely facilitate access to Salesforce, you can use a virtual private gateway and a private VIF instead to optimize deployment costs. However, if you plan to implement a hub-spoke network transit hub interconnecting multiple VPCs, we recommend the use of a transit gateway and a transit VIF for a more scalable approach. Refer to the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud Connectivity Options whitepaper and AWS Direct Connect Quotas for the pros and cons of each approach. Conclusion Salesforce and AWS continue to innovate together to provide multiple connectivity approaches to meet customer requirements. This post demonstrated how AWS Direct Connect can be used in conjunction with Salesforce Private Connect to secure end-to-end exchanges of data in industries where the use of the internet is not an option. Like Related Posts Salesforce OEM AppExchange Expanding its reach beyond CRM, Salesforce.com has launched a new service called AppExchange OEM Edition, aimed at non-CRM service providers. Read more The Salesforce Story In Marc Benioff’s own words

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Salesforce API Gen

Salesforce API Gen

Function-calling agent models, a significant advancement within large language models (LLMs), encounter challenges in requiring high-quality, diverse, and verifiable datasets. These models interpret natural language instructions to execute API calls crucial for real-time interactions with various digital services. However, existing datasets often lack comprehensive verification and diversity, resulting in inaccuracies and inefficiencies. Overcoming these challenges is critical for deploying function-calling agents reliably in real-world applications, such as retrieving stock market data or managing social media interactions. Salesforce API Gen. Current approaches to training these agents rely on static datasets that lack thorough verification, hampering adaptability and performance when encountering new or unseen APIs. For example, models trained on restaurant booking APIs may struggle with tasks like stock market data retrieval due to insufficient relevant training data. Addressing these limitations, researchers from Salesforce AI Research propose APIGen, an automated pipeline designed to generate diverse and verifiable function-calling datasets. APIGen integrates a multi-stage verification process to ensure data reliability and correctness. This innovative approach includes format checking, actual function executions, and semantic verification, rigorously verifying each data point to produce high-quality datasets. Salesforce API Gen APIGen initiates its data generation process by sampling APIs and query-answer pairs from a library, formatting them into standardized JSON format. The pipeline then progresses through a series of verification stages: format checking to validate JSON structure, function call execution to verify operational correctness, and semantic checking to align function calls, execution results, and query objectives. This meticulous process results in a comprehensive dataset comprising 60,000 entries, covering 3,673 APIs across 21 categories, accessible via Huggingface. The datasets generated by APIGen significantly enhance model performance, achieving state-of-the-art results on the Berkeley Function-Calling Benchmark. Models trained on these datasets outperform multiple GPT-4 models, demonstrating substantial improvements in accuracy and efficiency. For instance, a model with 7 billion parameters achieves an accuracy of 87.5%, surpassing previous benchmarks by a notable margin. These outcomes underscore the robustness and reliability of APIGen-generated datasets in advancing the capabilities of function-calling agents. In conclusion, APIGen presents a novel framework for generating high-quality, diverse datasets for function-calling agents, addressing critical challenges in AI research. Its multi-stage verification process ensures data reliability, empowering even smaller models to achieve competitive results. APIGen opens avenues for developing efficient and powerful language models, emphasizing the pivotal role of high-quality data in AI advancements. Like Related Posts Salesforce OEM AppExchange Expanding its reach beyond CRM, Salesforce.com has launched a new service called AppExchange OEM Edition, aimed at non-CRM service providers. Read more The Salesforce Story In Marc Benioff’s own words How did salesforce.com grow from a start up in a rented apartment into the world’s Read more Salesforce Jigsaw Salesforce.com, a prominent figure in cloud computing, has finalized a deal to acquire Jigsaw, a wiki-style business contact database, for Read more Health Cloud Brings Healthcare Transformation Following swiftly after last week’s successful launch of Financial Services Cloud, Salesforce has announced the second installment in its series Read more

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Verified First Expands Salesforce HR Capabilities

Verified First Expands Salesforce HR Capabilities

Expand the abilities of Salesforce as an HR platform with integrated background screening! Easily order background checks within Salesforce. With a few simple clicks, you can access Verified First’s background screening solutions, including robust background and drug screen packages, all within Salesforce. Plus, the report results are available on the Contact/Candidate page, meaning you’ll never have to leave Salesforce! Verified First Expands Salesforce HR Capabilities. So, get ready to: Verified First Expands Salesforce HR Capabilities Verified First has the only app on the Salesforce AppExchange that lets you background check and drug screen your applicants. Our seamless integration sets up in seconds and delivers the report results into Salesforce. Works seamlessly with other Salesforce apps such as Bullhorn for Salesforce, Bullhorn Jobscience, Sage, FinancialForce, and the Nonprofit Success Pack. About Verified First There are hundreds of background screening service providers to choose from, so what makes Verified First stand out? Compared to popular background screening companies, Verified First offers robust screening services with industry-leading customer care and cutting-edge technology. Unlike the big-box providers, Verified First is a privately-owned Idaho company, so we can focus on the needs of our customers and not the whims of shareholders. Experience the difference in service, technology, and client care—get to know Verified First! Like Related Posts Salesforce OEM AppExchange Expanding its reach beyond CRM, Salesforce.com has launched a new service called AppExchange OEM Edition, aimed at non-CRM service providers. Read more The Salesforce Story In Marc Benioff’s own words How did salesforce.com grow from a start up in a rented apartment into the world’s Read more Salesforce Jigsaw Salesforce.com, a prominent figure in cloud computing, has finalized a deal to acquire Jigsaw, a wiki-style business contact database, for Read more Health Cloud Brings Healthcare Transformation Following swiftly after last week’s successful launch of Financial Services Cloud, Salesforce has announced the second installment in its series Read more

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Einstein Service Agent is Coming

Einstein Service Agent is Coming

Salesforce is entering the AI agent arena with a new service built on its Einstein AI platform. Introducing the Einstein Service Agent, a generative AI-powered self-service tool designed for end customers. This agent provides a conversational AI interface to answer questions and resolve various issues. Similar to the employee-facing Einstein Copilot used internally within organizations, the Einstein Service Agent can take action on behalf of users, such as processing product returns or issuing refunds. It can handle both simple and complex multi-step interactions, leveraging approved company workflows already established in Salesforce. Initially, Einstein Service Agent will be deployed for customer service scenarios, with plans to expand to other Salesforce clouds in the future. What sets Einstein Service Agents apart from other AI-driven workflows is their seamless integration with Salesforce’s existing customer data and workflows. “Einstein Service Agent is a generative AI-powered, self-service conversational experience built on our Einstein trust layer and platform,” Clara Shih, CEO of Salesforce AI, told VentureBeat. “Everything is grounded in our trust layer, as well as all the customer data and official business workflows that companies have been adding into Salesforce for the last 25 years.” Distinguishing AI Agent from AI Copilot Over the past year, Salesforce has detailed various aspects of its generative AI efforts, including the development of the Einstein Copilot, which became generally available at the end of April. The Einstein Copilot enables a wide range of conversational AI experiences for Salesforce users, focusing on direct users of the Salesforce platform. “Einstein Copilot is employee-facing, for salespeople, customer service reps, marketers, and knowledge workers,” Shih explained. “Einstein Service Agent is for our customers’ customers, for their self-service.” The concept of a conversational AI bot answering basic customer questions isn’t new, but Shih emphasized that Einstein Service Agent is different. It benefits from all the data and generative AI work Salesforce has done in recent years. This agent approach is not just about answering simple questions but also about delivering knowledge-based responses and taking action. With a copilot, multiple AI engines and responses can be chained together. The AI agent approach also chains AI models together. For Shih, the difference is a matter of semantics. “It’s a spectrum toward more and more autonomy,” Shih said. Driving AI Agent Approach with Customer Workflows As an example, Shih mentioned that Salesforce is working with a major apparel company as a pilot customer for Einstein Service Agent. If a customer places an online order and receives the wrong item, they could call the retailer during business hours for assistance from a human agent, who might be using the Einstein Copilot. If the customer reaches out when human agents aren’t available or chooses a self-service route, Einstein Service Agent can step in. The customer will be able to ask about the issue and, if enabled in the workflow, get a resolution. The workflow that understands who the customer is and how to handle the issue is already part of the Salesforce Service Cloud. Shih explained that Einstein Studio is where all administrative and configuration work for Einstein AI, including Service Agents, takes place, utilizing existing Salesforce data. The Einstein Service Agent provides a new layer for customers to interact with existing logic to solve issues. “Everything seemingly that the company has invested in over the last 25 years has come to light in the last 18 months, allowing customers to securely take advantage of generative AI in a trusted way,” Shih said. Like Related Posts Salesforce OEM AppExchange Expanding its reach beyond CRM, Salesforce.com has launched a new service called AppExchange OEM Edition, aimed at non-CRM service providers. Read more The Salesforce Story In Marc Benioff’s own words How did salesforce.com grow from a start up in a rented apartment into the world’s Read more Salesforce Jigsaw Salesforce.com, a prominent figure in cloud computing, has finalized a deal to acquire Jigsaw, a wiki-style business contact database, for Read more Health Cloud Brings Healthcare Transformation Following swiftly after last week’s successful launch of Financial Services Cloud, Salesforce has announced the second installment in its series Read more

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Used YouTube to Train AI

Used YouTube to Train AI

Announced by siliconANGLE’s Duncan Riley. Companies Used YouTube to Train AI. A new report released today reveals that companies such as Anthropic PBC, Nvidia Corp., Apple Inc., and Salesforce Inc. have used subtitles from YouTube videos to train their AI services without obtaining permission. This raises significant ethical questions about the use of publicly available materials and facts without consent. According to Proof News, these companies allegedly utilized subtitles from 173,536 YouTube videos sourced from over 48,000 channels to enhance their AI models. Rather than scraping the content themselves, Anthropic, Nvidia, Apple, and Salesforce reportedly used a dataset provided by EleutherAI, a nonprofit AI organization. EleutherAI, founded in 2020, focuses on the interpretability and alignment of large AI models. The organization aims to democratize access to advanced AI technologies by developing and releasing open-source AI models like GPT-Neo and GPT-J. EleutherAI also advocates for open science norms in natural language processing, promoting transparency and ethical AI development. The dataset in question, known as “YouTube Subtitles,” includes transcripts from educational and online learning channels, as well as several media outlets and YouTube personalities. Notable YouTubers whose transcripts are included in the dataset are Mr. Beast, Marques Brownlee, PewDiePie, and left-wing political commentator David Pakman. Some creators whose content was used are outraged. Pakman, for example, argues that using his transcripts jeopardizes his livelihood and that of his staff. David Wiskus, CEO of streaming service Nebula, has even called the use of the data “theft.” Despite the data being publicly accessible, the controversy revolves around the fact that large language models are utilizing it. This situation echoes recent legal actions regarding the use of publicly available data to train AI models. For instance, Microsoft Corp. and OpenAI were sued in November over their use of nonfiction authors’ works for AI training. The class-action lawsuit, led by a New York Times reporter, claimed that OpenAI scraped the content of hundreds of thousands of nonfiction books to develop their AI models. Additionally, The New York Times accused OpenAI, Google LLC, and Meta Holdings Inc. in April of skirting legal boundaries in their use of AI training data. While the legality of using AI training data remains a gray area, it has yet to be extensively tested in court. Should a case arise, the key issue will likely be whether publicly stated facts, including utterances, can be copyrighted. Relevant U.S. case law includes Feist Publications Inc. v. Rural Telephone Service Co., 499 U.S. 340 (1991) and International News Service v. Associated Press (1918). In both cases, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that facts cannot be copyrighted. Like Related Posts Salesforce OEM AppExchange Expanding its reach beyond CRM, Salesforce.com has launched a new service called AppExchange OEM Edition, aimed at non-CRM service providers. Read more The Salesforce Story In Marc Benioff’s own words How did salesforce.com grow from a start up in a rented apartment into the world’s Read more Salesforce Jigsaw Salesforce.com, a prominent figure in cloud computing, has finalized a deal to acquire Jigsaw, a wiki-style business contact database, for Read more Health Cloud Brings Healthcare Transformation Following swiftly after last week’s successful launch of Financial Services Cloud, Salesforce has announced the second installment in its series Read more

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Democratizing CLM

Democratizing CLM

IntelAgree, a leader in AI-powered contract lifecycle management (CLM) software, is excited to announce the integration of generative AI functionality into its existing Salesforce platform. The new feature, Saige Assist: Contract Advice, enhances the contracting process by providing users with immediate answers to contract-related questions directly within the familiar Salesforce environment. Available to IntelAgree users with AI-enabled subscriptions, Saige Assist: Contract Advice significantly enhances productivity and efficiency. Traditional inquiries to legal teams, which might take 48-72 hours due to staffing or prioritization constraints, are now addressed in seconds, enabling faster decision-making. “Many of our clients draft and manage contracts through Salesforce. With this new feature, they won’t need to leave Salesforce to get the answers they need,” said Michael Schacter, Director of Product Management at IntelAgree. “They can ask questions right within the platform, making it an all-in-one solution for contract management.” Key benefits of this new update include: “At IntelAgree, we aim to make contracting a team sport. A major part of this is meeting non-legal users where they work and how they prefer to work,” said Kyle Myers, EVP of Product and Engineering at IntelAgree. “With this new Salesforce integration update, we’re not just making contract management easier – we’re democratizing it, making AI-powered contract insights available to anyone using Salesforce.” IntelAgree distinguishes itself with a user-first approach to contract management, addressing the evolving needs of modern businesses beyond just legal departments. Looking ahead, the company plans to expand Saige Assist’s functionality to other native integrations. Along with the launch of Saige Assist: Contract Advice, IntelAgree has introduced an attributes tab to its Salesforce integration, providing users with quick access to key attribute values like arbitration, payment terms, and publicity restrictions. In a future release, users will also be able to complete smart forms within Salesforce, further minimizing the need to switch platforms. About IntelAgree:IntelAgree is an AI-powered contract lifecycle management (CLM) platform that helps enterprise teams do impactful work, not busy work. The platform uses machine learning to identify, extract, and analyze text in agreements, making contract analytics more accessible. IntelAgree also uses intelligent automation to optimize every part of the contracting process, so teams can create, negotiate, sign, manage, and analyze contracts faster. IntelAgree is trusted by leading companies, ranging from major league sports teams to Fortune 500 companies, to automate the most painful, costly parts of the contracting process. For more information about IntelAgree, visit intelagree.com. Like Related Posts Salesforce OEM AppExchange Expanding its reach beyond CRM, Salesforce.com has launched a new service called AppExchange OEM Edition, aimed at non-CRM service providers. Read more The Salesforce Story In Marc Benioff’s own words How did salesforce.com grow from a start up in a rented apartment into the world’s Read more Salesforce Jigsaw Salesforce.com, a prominent figure in cloud computing, has finalized a deal to acquire Jigsaw, a wiki-style business contact database, for Read more Health Cloud Brings Healthcare Transformation Following swiftly after last week’s successful launch of Financial Services Cloud, Salesforce has announced the second installment in its series Read more

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