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ChatGPT Memory Announced

ChatGPT Memory Announced

We’re testing memory with ChatGPT to make your experience more seamless by saving important details across chats, so you won’t have to repeat yourself. This feature helps make future conversations more helpful. You’re fully in control of ChatGPT’s memory. You can ask it to remember something, view what it recalls, and even delete specific memories

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Key Insights on Navigating AI Compliance

Key Insights on Navigating AI Compliance

Grammarly’s AI Regulatory Master Class: Key Insights on Navigating AI Compliance On August 27, 2024, Grammarly hosted an AI Regulatory Master Class webinar, featuring Scout Moran, Senior Product Counsel, and Alan Luk, Head of Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC). The event provided a comprehensive overview of the current and upcoming AI regulations affecting organizations’ AI

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Unlocking Enterprise AI Success

Unlocking Enterprise AI Success

Companies are diving into artificial intelligence. Unlocking enterprise AI success depends on four main factors. Tectonic is here to help you address each. Trust is Important-Trust is Everything Data is everything—it’s reshaping business models and steering the world through health and economic challenges. But data alone isn’t enough; in fact, it can be worse than

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Banking Complaints to Profits

Banking Complaints to Profits

Tectonic: Elevating Complaint Management in Banking with Salesforce Customer satisfaction is key in banking, but complaints are unavoidable. Banking Complaints to Profits is not only learning from complaints but increasing revenue by them. Banking complaints also present a unique opportunity. Handled effectively, complaints can offer valuable insights that drive process improvements and ultimately strengthen customer

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APIs and Software Development

APIs and Software Development

The Role of APIs in Modern Software Development APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are central to modern software development, enabling teams to integrate external features into their products, including advanced third-party AI systems. For instance, you can use an API to allow users to generate 3D models from prompts on MatchboxXR. The Rise of AI-Powered Applications

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July Changes to Preference Center

July Changes to Preference Center

Privacy Center Update What’s the July Changes to Preference Center? Starting in July 2024, the Privacy Center app within the core platform now supports retention features. July Changes to Preference Center introduces a new Hyperforce-based retention store, allows for retention testing in sandboxes, and offers the option to mask data during retention. The new Hyperforce-based

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Ask ChatGPT Vision Action

Ask ChatGPT Vision Action

Enhance Your Workflow with the Ask ChatGPT Vision Action Extend the use of artificial intelligence in your daily operations by leveraging the Ask ChatGPT Vision action. This feature allows ChatGPT to analyze images attached to your Salesforce records and apply its insights directly to your workflows. The action is compatible with ChatGPT models that accept

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AI for Consumers and Retailers

AI for Consumers and Retailers

Before generative AI became mainstream, tech-savvy retailers had long been leveraging transformative technologies to automate tasks and understand consumer behavior. Insights from consumer and future trends, along with predictive analytics, have long guided retailers in improving customer experiences and enhancing operational efficiency. AI for Consumers and Retailers improved customer experiences. While AI is currently used

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Rold of Small Language Models

Role of Small Language Models

The Role of Small Language Models (SLMs) in AI While much attention is often given to the capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs), Small Language Models (SLMs) play a vital role in the AI landscape. Role of Small Language Models. Large vs. Small Language Models LLMs, like GPT-4, excel at managing complex tasks and providing

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Impact of Generative AI on Workforce

Impact of Generative AI on Workforce

The Impact of Generative AI on the Future of Work Automation has long been a source of concern and hope for the future of work. Now, generative AI is the latest technology fueling both fear and optimism. AI’s Role in Job Augmentation and Replacement While AI is expected to enhance many jobs, there’s a growing

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What is Salesforce Health Cloud

Explore Salesforce Health Cloud

Empower Your Healthcare Team with Salesforce Health Cloud Equip your healthcare team with comprehensive 360-degree views that help connect and engage every patient, member, employee, and partner. Explore Salesforce Health Cloud Explore Health Cloud Understanding the capabilities of this platform is the first step to transforming your organization’s patient management. Let’s explore what Health Cloud

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Marketing Technologies and Trends

Marketing Technologies and Trends

The pace of change in the marketing world has arguably never been faster than it speeds ahead today. Professionals across various fields, not just marketing, are feeling the impact of rapid technological advancements, shifts in the global economy, evolving consumer preferences, and a volatile job market. Marketing Technologies and Trends. To navigate these changes, marketers

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AI Agents in Line at HR

AI Agents in Line at HR

AI Agents in Line at HR may only be a satirical cartoon for a very short time. Sorry, Farside, but your AI bits may not be able to keep up with AI. July, 2034 — A new software unicorn has just emerged inbehind a bar in a pub in East London. Unicorn, by the way,

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Changes in Advertising Changing CRMs

Changes in Advertising Changing CRMs

Oracle announced last week that it is exiting the advertising business and will sunset its adtech by September 30. While the announcement is not surprising given the massive layoffs in 2022 affecting Oracle Advertising teams, the rapidity of Oracle Advertising’s decline is a clear indicator of how swiftly the digital advertising landscape can evolve. This

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Agentic AI is Here

Agentic AI is Here

Embracing the Era of Agentic AI: Redefining Autonomous Systems A new paradigm in artificial intelligence, known as “Agentic Artificial Intelligence,” is poised to revolutionize the capabilities of the known autonomous universe. This cutting-edge technology represents a significant leap forward in AI-driven decision-making and action, promising transformative impacts across various industries including healthcare, manufacturing, IT, finance,

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