get-admin - - Page 42 function wpb_remove_version() { return ''; } add_filter('the_generator', 'wpb_remove_version');

Data Types in Salesforce

Apex assigns a data type in Salesforce to all variables and expressions, such as sObject, primitive, or enum. We use these data types as required depending on the condition. Integer, Double, Long, Date, Datetime, String, ID, or Boolean are examples of primitives. Data types in Salesforce. Salesforce Data Type Range and Description Transformation Data Type AnyType

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Generative AI Regulations

How Generative AI Regulations Could Effect You

If you’re considering integrating generative artificial intelligence (GAI) tools into your business operations, you’re not alone. While these tools have the potential to boost employee productivity, concerns regarding their safety have been voiced by business leaders. Despite their utility in areas like marketing, customer service, and data insights, there is a growing demand for generative

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Salesforce Einstein Product Recommender

Configure Einstein Wait Before Recommending an Already Purchased Product

Customize the Duration for Einstein’s Recommendation of Past Purchases. If you Configure Einstein Wait proactively you can effectively send recommendations to customer. And send them right as they are about to run out of your product. What is Einstein product recommendations? Einstein Recommendations deliver the next-best product, content, or offer to every individual through product and

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ethical ai consumer trust vs expectations

Ethical AI-Consumer Trust Vs Expectations

Consumer Trust and Responsible AI Implementation Ethical AI Consumer Trust vs Expectations Research indicates that while consumers have low trust in AI systems, they expect companies to use them responsibly. Around 90% of consumers believe that companies have a duty to contribute positively to society. However, despite guidance on responsible technology use, many consumers remain

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Salesforce Sales Enablement

Salesforce Permissions for Sales Enablement Team

Assigning Permissions to Your Sales Enablement Team in Salesforce: Salesforce Permissions for Sales Enablement teams make everyone’s access safe. Like Related Posts Salesforce OEM AppExchange Expanding its reach beyond CRM, has launched a new service called AppExchange OEM Edition, aimed at non-CRM service providers. Read more The Salesforce Story In Marc Benioff’s own words

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Fine Tune Your Large Language Model

Fine Tune Your Large Language Model

Revamping Your LLM? There’s a Superior Approach to Fine Tune Your Large Language Model. The next evolution in AI fine-tuning might transcend fine-tuning altogether. Vector databases present an efficient means to access and analyze all your business data. Have you ever received redundant emails promoting a product you’ve already purchased or encountered repeated questions in

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Salesforce Service Cloud Intelligence

Salesforce Service Cloud Service Intelligence Enhancements

Service Intelligence, a data-centric solution, showcases vital performance metrics within the contact center. Recent Service Intelligence Enhancements have given even greater insights. In a significant launch, Salesforce introduced Service Intelligence. Service Intelligence an advanced analytics app for Service Clou. It is aimed at boosting agent efficiency, reducing costs, and elevating customer satisfaction. Service Intelligence Enhancements

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Salesforce Success Story

Case Study: Leading Provider of Branded, Designed Solutions Worldwide-Manufacturing-Salesforce Sales/Service/Experience Clouds

Leading provider of branded, designed solutions (laminate) for commercial and residential customers worldwide.  The company has been surfacing spaces for 110 years. Client struggled with no real ability to see a 360 degree view of the business.

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Salesforce Customer Service Analytics

Salesforce Customer Service Analytics

Customer service analytics involves capturing and analyzing data from customer interactions to extract valuable insights, enhancing the overall customer experience. The customer behavior analytics aspect focuses on data derived from various touchpoints in customer relationships. In today’s complex customer journey, understanding and optimizing these interactions are more crucial than ever. Envision dedicating just 10 minutes

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Learn AI

Learn AI

Achieving Excellence in Artificial Intelligence: The Path to Success-Learn AI In the rapidly evolving world of Artificial Intelligence (AI), quality and core skills are paramount for building a rewarding career. Merely possessing credentials won’t suffice in the highly competitive AI landscape. Employers are seeking knowledgeable employees. This is an industry so new, anyone can get

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Salesforce enhanced domains

Enhanced Domains in Salesforce

Enhanced domains are the current version of My Domain that meets the latest browser requirements. With enhanced domains, all URLs across your org contain your specific My Domain name. Including URLs for your Experience Cloud sites, Salesforce Sites, Visualforce pages, and content files. This feature changes domain suffixes (the part after the My Domain name)

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Tableau CRM Refresh Button With LWC

Tableau CRM Refresh Button With LWC

Revitalize your Tableau CRM (formerly known as Einstein Analytics) dashboards with a custom Refresh button, enhancing user experience and analytical efficiency. This button serves as a simple yet powerful tool to reset applied filters and revert the dashboard to its default state, facilitating seamless exploration of data insights. Tableau CRM Refresh Button With LWC. What

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How Good is Our Data

How Data Cloud and Salesforce Success Depend on Data Quality

Optimizing AI’s Impact on Your Business: The Crucial Role of Data Quality in Salesforce In the ever-evolving digital landscape, the convergence of data quality and artificial intelligence (AI) is a linchpin for organizational success. Success depends on data quality within the Salesforce ecosystem. The synergy between Einstein, an advanced AI system, and Data Cloud underscores

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Salesforce Big Data and Travel and Hospitality

Dynamic Components to Reduce User Record Page Size

Adapted from Kate Hughes Salesforce blog post October 2023 Effectively organizing and accessing the right information is crucial for Trailblazers in various roles, from Admins and Designers to Architects and Consultants. With dynamic components user record pages can be compact. Overcoming the challenge of simplifying the user experience of record pages is essential for optimizing

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