Data Driven Archives -
Salesforce and Live Chat Integration

Salesforce and Live Chat Integration

The Salesforce and Live Chat integration lets you create leads and contacts from chats and offline messages. Salesforce Sales Cloud is a platform for managing a sales team and customer relationships. With Salesforce, you have a complete view of your customers including contact information, quotes, notes, and interactions. Salesforce helps you boost productivity by using

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Build a Culture of Data

Build a Culture of Data

What is a Data Culture? A Data Culture is the collective behaviors and beliefs of people who value, practice, and encourage the use of data to improve decision-making. As a result, data is woven into the operations, mindset, and identity of an organization. Why is a data culture important?  It enables more informed decision-making. With a

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Personalization With Customized AI-Driven Journeys

Personalization With Customized AI-Driven Journeys

AI-Enabled Triggers for Guiding Customer Journeys – Personalization With Customized AI-Driven Journeys Initiate timely and relevant customer experiences that seamlessly lead individuals through their purchasing journey. Employ AI-powered decision-making to identify the most suitable next steps for customers, offering personalized suggestions based on real-time behavior, historical data, and business-specific datasets such as pricing and inventory.

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Salesforce CRM for AI driven transformation

Salesforce CRM Crucial for Transformation Driven by AI

Salesforce recently commission Forrester to wrangle up the state of AI. Overwhelmingly a CRM tool was found to be crucial for transformation driven by artificial intelligence. 89% of those surveyed said AI strategy and capability are top of mind when selecting a CRM partner. Tectonic is pleased to share our thoughts on the crucial role

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Generative AI Regulations

Salesforce, Data Science, and Generative AI

Is Salesforce utilized in the field of data science? Salesforce data science and Generative AI Data Science-as-a-Service (DSaaS) democratizes access to machine learning through the Salesforce Data Management Platform, enabling widespread adoption of data science capabilities. Utilizing Salesforce for Data Science Empowerment: The integration of Salesforce into data science represents a transformative endeavor aimed at

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Quest to be Data-Driven

Quest to be Data-Driven

“Data-driven” is a business term that refers to the utilization of data to inform or enhance processes, decision making, and even the revenue model. The quest to be data-driven is afoot. In recent years, a data-driven business approach has gained a great deal of traction. It is true that every business deals with data —

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Salesforce BI

Protecting Your Salesforce Data

The landscape of Salesforce has undergone significant growth beyond its humble CRM origins, yet assumptions about the data within Salesforce orgs often remain unchanged.  This is crazy when you think about the original Customer Relationship Management system and how many apps it had to connect to in order to actually manage your customer relationships.   Protecting your

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