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Cloud Managed Services

Advantages of a Cloud Managed Service Provider

Considering outsourcing your IT management to a cloud managed service provider? Here are several benefits of opting for a cloud expert like Tectonic: Cost Savings: Predictable, Recurring Monthly Costs: Future-Proof Technology: Custom and Integrated Service: Robust Infrastructure: Centralized Network Services and Applications: Coverage on All Service Levels: Disaster Recovery: Fast Response Times: Vendor Interfacing: Tectonic

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salesforce chatter app

Salesforce Hashtags in Chatter

In Salesforce Chatter, using hashtags serves several purposes, enhancing collaboration and content organization within the platform. Here are some reasons why users might use hashtags in Chatter: Remember that the effectiveness of hashtags in Chatter relies on users adopting and consistently using them. Encouraging a common understanding of hashtag usage and promoting their benefits can

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Connected Culture

How To Build a Connected Culture

Building a connected culture has become increasingly important because mobile devices and applications have changed the landscape of the IT world. No longer are business users tied to their desks or offices. They can be productive anywhere, thus the content must be updated much more quickly. Reports don’t take weeks to compile, nor do they

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How Good is Our Data

We Are All Cloud Users

My old company and several others are concerned about security, and feel more secure with being able to walk down the hall and see the servers working away in that air-conditioned closet. But who do you trust more:  your IT guy that looks at your IT security every once in a while or a provider like Google that has a team of engineers constantly monitoring its systems looking for security issues. In fact, Google has some of the best security specialists in the world.

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Alphabet Soup of Cloud Terminology

As with any technology, the cloud brings its own alphabet soup of terms.  This insight will hopefully help you navigate your way through the terminology, and provide you the knowledge and power to make the decisions you need to make when considering a new cloud implementation. Here’s the list of terms we will cover in

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