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Tips for Awesome SFMC Email Templates

Tips for Awesome SFMC Email Templates

Tips for Awesome SFMC Email Templates. Email design doesn’t have to be hard-unlock the potential of Salesforce Marketing Cloud (SFMC) with these 5 tips for crafting exceptional email templates on the Salesforce Marketing Cloud platform: Implement these strategies to unlock Salesforce Marketing Cloud’s potential and create captivating, personalized email campaigns that connect with your audience

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Marketing Cloud Filters

Marketing Cloud Filters

You have the option to define a data filter on the Subscribers tab within Email Studio, where you can choose to segment either a subscriber list or a data extension. When creating a data filter for segmenting a subscriber list, you can utilize various types of information, including profile attributes, preference attributes (excluding HTML email

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Salesforce Einstein Vision

Salesforce Einstein Vision

Einstein Vision: Enhancing Document Personalization with AI Introduction to Einstein Vision Harness the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to personalize documents with Salesforce Einstein Vision. The latest updates allow you to extract structured data from custom forms and invoices using Einstein OCR (beta), revolutionizing how you handle and process documents. Extract Data from Custom Forms

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Salesforce Marketing Cloud Email Studio

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Email Studio Explained

While Journey Builder guides your customers’ journey, Salesforce Marketing Cloud Email Studio empowers you with the tools needed to craft the email content for your campaigns and journeys. Featuring robust functionalities, Email Studio facilitates the creation of polished emails, offering customizable elements, scripting languages, and personalized real-time content. With Salesforce Marketing Cloud Email Studio, you

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Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Transactional Emails

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Transactional Emails are immediate, automated, non-promotional messages crucial to business operations and customer satisfaction, such as order confirmation emails, shipping notifications, confirmations, etc. The Transactional Messaging API in Marketing Cloud, an upgraded version of Triggered Sends in Email Studio, offers enhanced scalability and flexibility. However, with increased flexibility comes the responsibility of

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Lead Generation Strategy

Lead Generation Strategy

What Is Lead Generation? Lead generation strategy is not just about driving quality leads into the sales funnel or pipeline, but also managing the growth of your company through inbound marketing. So why is lead generation important? Most businesses depend on the inbound flow of leads, so the ability to appropriately manage that inbound flow

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Deep Links

Deep Links-Is My URL Syntax and Encoding Correct?

Is my URL syntax and encoding correct? If your deep link is not directing you to the specified destination or returning an HTTP 404 error, first check your URL syntax and encoding.  URLs typically use this syntax: scheme://host:port/path?query-string#fragment-id Each part of a URL performs a different function and uses specific characters to identify and separate

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Marketing Automation

Marketing Automation

Marketing automation is software tool that handles routine marketing tasks without the need for human action. Common marketing automation workflows include email marketing, behavioral targeting, lead prioritization, and personalized advertising. What are marketing automation strategies? An automation strategy is a playbook for a brand’s automated marketing tactics. It should answer the who, what, where, when

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