Data - - Page 31 function wpb_remove_version() { return ''; } add_filter('the_generator', 'wpb_remove_version');
UI and Data Loss

UI and Data Loss

For years, the primary stumbling block hindering organizations from embracing cloud adoption has been the concern over data security, solutions, and safety. However, recent surveys indicate a significant shift, with cloud service providers like Salesforce playing a pivotal role in building trust, with adoption rates soaring as high as 65%. UI and Data Loss-user interfaces

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Salesforce Page Layouts

Salesforce Page Layouts

Sprucing Up Your Salesforce Page Layouts: A Humorous Guide to Winning User Hearts and Ensuring Data Quality Sometimes, the simplest tweaks can make the biggest difference. Modifications to your page layouts are no exception. In the world of Salesforce, page layouts are your tool of trade—what users see and interact with every day. Nailing these

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Salesforce Data Studio

Salesforce Data Studio

Data Studio Overview Salesforce Data Studio is Salesforce’s premier solution for audience discovery, data acquisition, and data provisioning, offering access to the world’s largest premium data ecosystem. It provides: Data Studio is a self-service platform that connects data owners and buyers directly, fostering new opportunities for audience discovery, sharing, and activation. Leading brands like Anheuser-Busch,

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Health Cloud Brings Healthcare Transformation

Health Cloud Brings Healthcare Transformation

Following swiftly after last week’s successful launch of Financial Services Cloud, Salesforce has announced the second installment in its series of industry clouds: Salesforce Health Cloud. This new cloud CRM offering aims to become a catalyst for positive change in the healthcare industry, shifting focus from traditional critical care to a more holistic patient-centric approach.

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Salesforce Jigsaw

Salesforce Jigsaw, a prominent figure in cloud computing, has finalized a deal to acquire Jigsaw, a wiki-style business contact database, for $142 million. This agreement also includes an incentive component, allowing for a 10% increase in the purchase price contingent upon meeting specific performance milestones. Cloud computing stands out as the leading trend in the business

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Salesforce OEM AppExchange

Salesforce OEM AppExchange

Expanding its reach beyond CRM, has launched a new service called AppExchange OEM Edition, aimed at non-CRM service providers. This move allows on-demand service providers in various industries to leverage Salesforce’s powerful platform. The OEM edition extends the platform to third-party SaaS providers, enabling them to tap into its core features, such as

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