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HCG Providing Patient-Focused Personalized Care With Salesforce

HCG Providing Patient-Focused Personalized Care With Salesforce

HCG Delivers Personalized Patient Care with Salesforce Read more at: CXO Today HCG Providing Patient-Focused Personalized Care With Salesforce Healthcare Global Enterprises Ltd (HCG), a renowned network of 25 hospitals, is elevating patient care through Salesforce. With a 360-degree patient view, HCG connects with patients on a more personal level, delivering proactive support at every

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Marketing Cloud

Key Components Of Salesforce Marketing Cloud Engagement

The key components of Salesforce Marketing Cloud Engagement are powerful marketing and personalization tools continually improving. The tools in Salesforce Marketing Cloud Engagement enable you to engage your customers with meaningful content. Key Components of Salesforce Marketing Cloud Engagement Journey Builder The Journey Builder empowers businesses to craft a seamless customer experience across various channels,

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