Service Cloud Unlimited Plus Edition Call-out Features

Einstein Bots

In a few clicks, launch a multi-channel, multilingual bot that integrates with your Salesforce data. Bots automate common tasks and help your teams do more.

WhatsApp Conversation Automation with Bots

Use an enhanced bot with enhanced Messaging for WhatsApp channels, generally available in Messaging as of March 2023. Seamlessly route WhatsApp conversations to and from an enhanced bot with Omni-Channel Flow.

Where: This change applies to Lightning Experience and Salesforce Classic in Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer editions. Setup for Einstein Bots is available only in Lightning Experience.

How: Create an enhanced WhatsApp channel. Then add the Route Work flow action to an Omni-Channel flow to route conversations to and from an enhanced bot.

Feedback Management

Understand customer feedback as it evolves over time by engaging customers and users with relevant, personalized surveys. Incorporate survey data into your feedback management process and gain actionable insights at every stage of the customer lifecycle.

Understand customer feedback as it evolves over time by engaging customers and users with relevant, personalized surveys. Incorporate survey data into your feedback management process and gain actionable insights at every stage of the customer lifecycle.

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