Einstein Automated Contacts Archives - gettectonic.com
Salesforce Einstein Features

Salesforce Einstein Features

Salesforce Einstein Discover the power of the #1 AI for CRM with Einstein. Built into the Salesforce Platform, Einstein uses powerful machine learning and large language models to personalize customer interactions and make employees more productive. With Einstein powering the Customer 360, teams can accelerate time to value, predict outcomes, and automatically generate content within

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Salesforce Einstein

Use AI to Prep for Meetings

Sales is fundamentally a relationship-oriented endeavor, where representatives invest substantial time delving into lead interests, needs, and behaviors to fortify connections. What if you could Using AI to prep for meetings? Imagine a tool that assumes this responsibility, endowing you with the ability to swiftly acquaint yourself with pertinent information. Here’s what AI can accomplish:

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Salesforce Einstein and Einstein Automate

Einstein Automated Contacts in Salesforce

In September 2016, Salesforce announced the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into its products – the launch of Einstein, the set of AI technologies that was supposed to add an intelligent layer wherever possible in the entire Salesforce platform.  Streamline your data entry process even further with Einstein Automated Contacts. Leveraging email and event activity,

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