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Transformative Potential of AI in Healthcare

Transformative Potential of AI in Healthcare

Healthcare leaders are increasingly optimistic about the transformative potential of AI and data analytics in the industry, according to a new market research report by Arcadia and The Harris Poll. The report, titled “The Healthcare CIO’s Role in the Age of AI,” reveals that 96% of healthcare executives believe AI adoption can provide a competitive

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Large and Small Language Models

Large and Small Language Models

Understanding Language Models in AI Language models are sophisticated AI systems designed to generate natural human language, a task that is far from simple. These models operate as probabilistic machine learning systems, predicting the likelihood of word sequences to emulate human-like intelligence. In the scientific realm, the focus of language models has been twofold: While

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Salesforce Healthcare and AI

Salesforce Healthcare and AI

The Healthcare Industry’s Digital Transformation: An Opportunity Unveiled – Salesforce Healthcare and AI Historically, the healthcare sector has lagged behind in technology adoption, particularly software. It consistently invests less in IT and software compared to other industries, relying heavily on manual processes and outdated tools like faxes and phone calls. Unlike other sectors where platforms

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Einstein Features Cheat Sheet

Einstein Features Cheat Sheet

Salesforce has published a great resource for Einstein users. The Einstein Cheat Sheet puts all the Einstein features and resources at your fingertips. Download here. ein Discover the power of the #1 AI for CRM with Einstein. Built into the Salesforce Platform, Einstein uses powerful machine learning and large language models to personalize customer interactions

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Machine Learning on Kubernetes

Machine Learning on Kubernetes

How and Why to Run Machine Learning Workloads on Kubernetes Running machine learning (ML) model development and deployment on Kubernetes has become essential for optimizing resources and managing costs. As AI and ML tools gain mainstream acceptance, business and IT professionals are increasingly familiar with these technologies. With the growing buzz around AI, engineering needs

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2024 AI Glossary

2024 AI Glossary

Artificial intelligence (AI) has moved from an emerging technology to a mainstream business imperative, making it essential for leaders across industries to understand and communicate its concepts. To help you unlock the full potential of AI in your organization, this 2024 AI Glossary outlines key terms and phrases that are critical for discussing and implementing

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AI and Big Data

AI and Big Data

Over the past decade, enterprises have accumulated vast amounts of data, capturing everything from business processes to inventory statistics. This surge in data marked the onset of the big data revolution. However, merely storing and managing big data is no longer sufficient to extract its full value. As organizations become adept at handling big data,

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AI Infrastructure Flaws

AI Infrastructure Flaws

Wiz Researchers Warn of Security Flaws in AI Infrastructure Providers AI infrastructure providers like Hugging Face and Replicate are vulnerable to emerging attacks and need to strengthen their defenses to protect sensitive user data, according to Wiz researchers. AI Infrastructure Flaws come from security being an afterthought. During Black Hat USA 2024 on Wednesday, Wiz

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Einstein Code Generation and Amazon SageMaker

Einstein Code Generation and Amazon SageMaker

Salesforce and the Evolution of AI-Driven CRM Solutions Salesforce, Inc., headquartered in San Francisco, California, is a leading American cloud-based software company specializing in customer relationship management (CRM) software and applications. Their offerings include sales, customer service, marketing automation, e-commerce, analytics, and application development. Salesforce is at the forefront of integrating artificial general intelligence (AGI)

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Forecasting With Foundation Models

Forecasting With Foundation Models

On Hugging Face, there are 20 models tagged as “time series” at the time of writing. While this number is relatively low compared to the 125,950 results for the “text-generation-inference” tag, time series forecasting with foundation models has attracted significant interest from major companies such as Amazon, IBM, and Salesforce, which have developed their own

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Lead Generation 101

Lead Generation 101

Lead Generation 101 In today’s world, where people are bombarded with countless messages and offers daily, marketers need to find effective ways to capture attention and generate genuine interest in their products and services. According to the State of the Connected Customer report, customer preferences and expectations are the top influences on digital strategy for

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New Approaches to UI UX

New Approaches to UI UX

Ever-Updating Collection of New Approaches to UI/UX in the AI Era Dials, Knobs, and Sliders Physical knobs, digital sliders, and quadrant “dials” are being used to fine-tune AI responses and inputs. For example, Figma’s new Figma Slides features a novel UX where you can adjust the tone of generated text with a slider. Moving the

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Time to Reset AI Expectations

Time to Reset AI Expectations

AI is often portrayed as either the ultimate solution to all our problems or a looming threat that must be handled with extreme caution. These are the two polar extremes of a debate that surrounds any transformative technology, and the reality likely lies somewhere in the middle. Time to Reset AI Expectations. At the recent

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