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Get to know CPQ

Get to Know CPQ

Salesforce CPQ earned a spotlight in our Salesforce specializations rundown due to the scarcity of CPQ-knowledgeable individuals, paving the way for substantial earning potential and opportunities to collaborate with innovative companies. Get to know CPQ in this Tectonic insight. Distinguishing Salesforce CPQ from Products and Pricebooks Get to know CPQ for Salesforce Subscription Products in

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Quick Clone Sandboxes on Hyperforce

Quick Clone Sandboxes on Hyperforce

Introducing Quick Clone Sandboxes on Hyperforce Creating sandboxes is a crucial aspect of application development on the Salesforce Platform, providing IT teams with isolated environments to test changes without affecting production operations. As businesses strive for faster innovation without compromising quality, admins and developers need efficient tools to keep pace with rapid application development. Many

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Tectonic Salesforce Services

Are You Ready for an End to Salesforce for Outlook?

Embracing Salesforce Change: Navigating the Transition from Salesforce for Outlook Salesforce has recently announced the sundowning of Salesforce for Outlook, presenting a significant shift that opens avenues for sales teams to reinvent their sales processes and discover new solutions that increase productivity. An end to salesforce outlook forces us to re-evaluate. As the transition looms

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outcome management public sector solutions

Use Outcome Management to Create and Measure Your Public Sector Solutions Impact Strategy

How do you Use Outcome Management to Create and Measure Your Public Sector Solutions Impact Strategy? Recenter your focus on constituents in the public sector by embracing Outcome Management. Assess whether your constituent programs attain their intended outcomes and make informed decisions based on data-driven insights. Leverage Outcome Management alongside Public Sector Solutions to formulate

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Sales Cloud Innovation Driven by UX Design Principles

Thoughts on Salesforce Experience Cloud

by Shannan Hearne, Tectonic Marketing Consultant You have the flexibility to establish multiple sites within your organization, each serving distinct purposes, and seamlessly transition between them. Salesforce Experience Cloud is a set of functionality on the CRM platform enabling you to build branded digital experiences that are fully connected to your CRM.  This online social

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Salesforce Tableau Pulse

Examples of Tableau Pulse Value

Tableau Pulse simplifies data exploration and visualization. We currently live in a powerful analytics era, marked by transformative technologies such as generative AI, the Internet of Things (IoT), and automation. Tableau Pulse Value is reshaping the analytics landscape. At the core of these technologies lies data, and the way we interact with it is undergoing

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MC Personalization Tips and Tricks

MC Personalization Tips and Tricks

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Personalization, formerly Interaction Studio, offers incredible power for personalization. MC Personalization Tips and Tricks below will help you level up your game. Einstein Recipes: Enhancements and Challenges Multiple Dimensional Variations for Products in Einstein Recipes Einstein Recipes offer powerful and flexible tools for creating recommendations. However, the fourth step, Variations, falls short

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Data Types in Salesforce

Apex assigns a data type in Salesforce to all variables and expressions, such as sObject, primitive, or enum. We use these data types as required depending on the condition. Integer, Double, Long, Date, Datetime, String, ID, or Boolean are examples of primitives. Data types in Salesforce. Salesforce Data Type Range and Description Transformation Data Type AnyType

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Generative AI Regulations

How Generative AI Regulations Could Effect You

If you’re considering integrating generative artificial intelligence (GAI) tools into your business operations, you’re not alone. While these tools have the potential to boost employee productivity, concerns regarding their safety have been voiced by business leaders. Despite their utility in areas like marketing, customer service, and data insights, there is a growing demand for generative

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Salesforce Einstein Product Recommender

Configure Einstein Wait Before Recommending an Already Purchased Product

Customize the Duration for Einstein’s Recommendation of Past Purchases. If you Configure Einstein Wait proactively you can effectively send recommendations to customer. And send them right as they are about to run out of your product. What is Einstein product recommendations? Einstein Recommendations deliver the next-best product, content, or offer to every individual through product and

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ethical ai consumer trust vs expectations

Ethical AI-Consumer Trust Vs Expectations

Consumer Trust and Responsible AI Implementation Ethical AI Consumer Trust vs Expectations Research indicates that while consumers have low trust in AI systems, they expect companies to use them responsibly. Around 90% of consumers believe that companies have a duty to contribute positively to society. However, despite guidance on responsible technology use, many consumers remain

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Salesforce Sales Enablement

Salesforce Permissions for Sales Enablement Team

Assigning Permissions to Your Sales Enablement Team in Salesforce: Salesforce Permissions for Sales Enablement teams make everyone’s access safe. Like Related Posts The Salesforce Story In Marc Benioff’s own words How did salesforce.com grow from a start up in a rented apartment into the world’s Read more Salesforce Jigsaw Salesforce.com, a prominent figure in cloud

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Fine Tune Your Large Language Model

Fine Tune Your Large Language Model

Revamping Your LLM? There’s a Superior Approach to Fine Tune Your Large Language Model. The next evolution in AI fine-tuning might transcend fine-tuning altogether. Vector databases present an efficient means to access and analyze all your business data. Have you ever received redundant emails promoting a product you’ve already purchased or encountered repeated questions in

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