⭐️ NEW: Additional Input Fields for Case Classification (GA) ⭐️
Enhance your Einstein classification model by incorporating up to 30 input fields for more precise case classification. Previously, only the Subject and Description fields from closed cases were used to build a model. Now, you can optimize your model by removing these fields and selecting the most relevant case information for training. Einstein Classification supports a variety of field types, including String (TextArea and TextArea Long), Picklist, and Lookup fields. Additional Input Fields for Case Classification.
Where: This update is available for Enterprise, Performance, and Unlimited editions in Lightning Experience. Please note that Einstein Classification Apps are not available in partner editions or the Salesforce Government Cloud.
How: When creating a classification model, you can now select up to 30 input fields for training. After configuring the predictive model, its status will change to “Ready to Build.” Review your selected fields and build the model. Once completed, adjust each field’s prediction settings and activate the model to begin receiving recommendations in the Service Console.