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Einstein Send Time Optimization

Salesforce Send Time Optimization Einstein

Einstein Send Time Optimization (STO) in Marketing Cloud Engagement revolutionizes message delivery by leveraging machine learning to predict the most effective times for engagement. This feature aids marketers in enhancing email and push notification engagement by automating the analysis of each contact’s optimal send time. Key Highlights of Einstein Send Time Optimization: Einstein Send Time

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Employ Marketing Cloud Data with Datorama

Employ Marketing Cloud Data with Datorama

Unlocking the Power of Salesforce Marketing Cloud with Dataorama-Employ Marketing Cloud Data with Datorama (now Salesforce Marketing Cloud Intelligence) In the realm of modern marketing, success hinges on data-driven insights rather than creative chaos. Salesforce Marketing Cloud’s Dataorama tackles the challenges associated with marketing data, offering a robust platform to store, visualize, and leverage data

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Salesforce Data Cloud

Drive Sales and Service With Real Time Data

Sales and Service Personalization: drive sales with real time data Enhance customer and prospect interactions by integrating real-time engagement data directly into your sales and service consoles. Provide service teams with the ability to proactively address queries and deliver effective case resolutions by swiftly accessing a customer’s recent interactions across diverse business touchpoints. Empower your

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Salesforce Einstein and Einstein Automate

Lead Conversion at the Speed of Einstein

The primary challenges faced by businesses today revolve around lead generation and conversion. Lead conversion with Einstein is fast. Tectonic proudly offers comprehensive solutions for both challenges through the implementation and customization of Salesforce Einstein Lead Scoring. Salesforce Einstein Lead Scoring, a pivotal feature within Sales Cloud Einstein, leverages artificial intelligence to empower sales representatives

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Einstein Opportunity Scoring Boosts Sales

Einstein Opportunity Scoring Boosts Sales

Your business thrives on seizing the right opportunities to drive more deals. Identifying these pivotal sales chances is crucial for prioritizing and capitalizing on prospects to secure successful outcomes. Enter Einstein Opportunity Scoring Boosts Sales. Enter Salesforce’s Einstein Opportunity Scoring system, designed to gauge the likelihood of an opportunity’s success, ranging from scores of 1

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Salesforce AI

Einstein Opportunity Scoring

Let Salesforce’s artificial intelligence help you and your team focus on the right opportunities so you can close more deals with Einstein Opportunity Scoring. Each opportunity in Salesforce is given a score, from 1 to 99, which is available on opportunity records and list views.  Sales reps use these opportunity scores to identify top opportunities.

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Opportunity Scoring with Einstein

Opportunity Scoring with Einstein

Salesforce has placed significant emphasis on developing their new Artificial Intelligence engine, Einstein, in recent years. One standout feature that has garnered attention is Einstein Opportunity Scoring, which will become available for free following the Summer ’20 release. This feature is offered to all Salesforce customers. So, what exactly is Einstein Opportunity Scoring? It’s a

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AI in Sales Enablement

When it comes to integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into the workplace, the question isn’t whether but when. The rapid expansion of AI technology, particularly generative AI, has ushered in a new era filled with both opportunities and uncertainties. Many organizations are grappling with how to harness these technological advancements and whether AI will replace human

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Einstein Relationship Insights

Einstein Relationship Insights

Setting Up Einstein Relationship Insights: Configure ERI Insights to empower your sales team in managing relationships among individuals, companies, and their interactions. Follow these steps for enabling and configuring: Enabling Einstein Relationship Insights: To enable ERI, follow these steps: Understanding Einstein Relationship Insights (ERI): ERI, serves as an AI-powered research assistant, enhancing sales processes. ERI

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Financial Services Sector

Salesforce Unites Einstein Analytics with Financial CRM

Salesforce has unveiled a comprehensive analytics solution tailored for wealth managers, home office professionals, and retail bankers, merging its Financial Services Cloud with Einstein Analytics. This amalgamation, known as Einstein Analytics for Financial Services, harnesses Salesforce’s robust query engine and interpretation layers, fueled by the enterprise data analytics prowess acquired through BeyondCore in 2016. Salesforce

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