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Transformative Potential of AI in Healthcare

Transformative Potential of AI in Healthcare

Healthcare leaders are increasingly optimistic about the transformative potential of AI and data analytics in the industry, according to a new market research report by Arcadia and The Harris Poll. The report, titled “The Healthcare CIO’s Role in the Age of AI,” reveals that 96% of healthcare executives believe AI adoption can provide a competitive

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Challenges for Rural Healthcare Providers

Challenges for Rural Healthcare Providers

Rural healthcare providers have long grappled with challenges due to their geographic isolation and limited financial resources. The advent of digital health transformation, however, has introduced a new set of IT-related obstacles for these providers. EHR Adoption and New IT Challenges While federal legislation has successfully promoted Electronic Health Record (EHR) adoption across both rural

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Ambient AI and Doctors

Ambient AI and Doctors

A study published in JAMA Network Open found that nearly half of clinicians using an ambient AI clinical documentation tool reported positive outcomes. The tool, Dragon Ambient eXperience (DAX) Copilot from health IT vendor Nuance, leverages automatic speech recognition and natural language processing to draft electronic health record (EHR) documentation based on patient-provider conversations. The

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Salesforce on AI

Salesforce on AI

Marketing success hinges on delivering consistent, timely, and engaging content. According to the Salesforce State of Marketing report, 78% of high-performing marketers identify data as their most critical asset for creating cohesive customer journeys. Yet, only 49% report having a unified view of customer data sources. This disconnect highlights a significant challenge many marketing teams

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Barriers to Healthcare Data Exchange

Barriers to Healthcare Data Exchange

As of 2022, 96% of hospitals were involved in some form of electronic public health data exchange, according to a blog post by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC). Yet Barriers to Healthcare Data Exchange Despite this high engagement, barriers to effective data exchange remain. About three-quarters of hospitals reported

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What is Salesforce Health Cloud

Explore Salesforce Health Cloud

Empower Your Healthcare Team with Salesforce Health Cloud Equip your healthcare team with comprehensive 360-degree views that help connect and engage every patient, member, employee, and partner. Explore Salesforce Health Cloud Explore Health Cloud Understanding the capabilities of this platform is the first step to transforming your organization’s patient management. Let’s explore what Health Cloud

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Gen AI Role in Healthcare

Gen AI Role in Healthcare

Generative AI’s Growing Role in Healthcare: Potential and Challenges The rapid advancements in large language models (LLMs) have introduced generative AI tools into nearly every business sector, including healthcare. As defined by the Government Accountability Office, generative AI is “a technology that can create content, including text, images, audio, or video, when prompted by a

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Digital Transformation for Life Sciences

Digital Transformation for Life Sciences

In hindsight, one remarkable aspect of the COVID crisis was the speed with which vaccines passed through regulatory approval processes to address the pandemic emergency. Approvals that would typically take years were expedited to mere months, a pace not usually seen in the life sciences industry. It was an extraordinary situation, as Paul Shawah, Senior

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