How Ambient AI is Enhancing the Patient-Provider Relationship

Ambient AI is transforming the patient-provider experience at Ochsner Health by enabling clinicians to focus more on their patients and less on their screens. While some view technology as a barrier to human interaction, Ochsner’s innovation officer, Dr. Jason Hill, believes ambient AI is doing the opposite by fostering stronger connections between patients and providers.

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Researchers estimate that physicians spend over 40% of consultation time focused on electronic health records (EHRs), limiting face-to-face interactions. “We have highly skilled professionals spending time inputting data instead of caring for patients, and as a result, patients feel disconnected due to the screen barrier,” Hill said.

Additionally, increased documentation demands related to quality reporting, patient satisfaction, and reimbursement are straining providers. Ambient AI scribes help relieve this burden by automating clinical documentation, allowing providers to focus on their patients. Using machine learning, these AI tools generate clinical notes in seconds from recorded conversations. Clinicians then review and edit the drafts before finalizing the record.

Ochsner began exploring ambient AI several years ago, but only with the advent of advanced language models like OpenAI’s GPT did the technology become scalable and cost-effective for large health systems. “Once the technology became affordable for large-scale deployment, we were immediately interested,” Hill explained.

Selecting the Right Vendor

Ochsner piloted two ambient AI tools before choosing DeepScribe for an enterprise-wide partnership. After the initial rollout to 60 physicians, the tool achieved a 75% adoption rate and improved patient satisfaction scores by 6%.

What set DeepScribe apart were its customization features. “We can create templates for different specialties, but individual doctors retain control over their note outputs based on specific clinical encounters,” Hill said. This flexibility was crucial in gaining physician buy-in. Ochsner also valued DeepScribe’s strong vendor support, which included tailored training modules and direct assistance to clinicians.

One example of this support was the development of a software module that allowed Ochsner’s providers to see EHR reminders within the ambient AI app. “DeepScribe built a bridge to bring EHR data into the app, so clinicians could access important information right before the visit,” Hill noted.

Ensuring Documentation Quality

Ochsner has implemented several safeguards to maintain the accuracy of AI-generated clinical documentation. Providers undergo training before using the ambient AI system, with a focus on reviewing and finalizing all AI-generated notes. Notes created by the AI remain in a “pended” state until the provider signs off. Ochsner also tracks how much text is generated by the AI versus added by the provider, using this as a marker for the level of editing required.

Following the successful pilot, Ochsner plans to expand ambient AI to 600 clinicians by the end of the year, with the eventual goal of providing access to all 4,700 physicians. While Hill anticipates widespread adoption, he acknowledges that the technology may not be suitable for all providers. “Some clinicians have different documentation needs, but for the vast majority, this will likely become the standard way we document at Ochsner within a year,” he said.


By integrating ambient AI, Ochsner Health is not only improving operational efficiency but also strengthening the human connection between patients and providers. As the technology becomes more widespread, it holds the potential to reshape how clinical documentation is handled, freeing up time for more meaningful patient interactions.

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