License Training Requirements in Public Sector Solutions. Get the most of your license and permitting Salesforce solution. Set up the training courses, course offerings, and exams that individuals must complete to qualify for professional and occupational licenses. To issue professional or occupational licenses, many regulatory authorities require that licensees first complete a course of study or pass an exam.

Licensing tests assess a test taker’s knowledge of the health and public safety measures that protect consumers within their scope of practice. The tests ensure that licensees understand the basic skills required to work safely and not harm a consumer. For example, barbers and hair stylists must pass a written examination.

Certified public accountants, licensed clinical social workers, pharmacists, registered dental hygienists, and other professionals must complete board-approved education courses and pass an examination. In Public Sector Solutions, these objects represent training and testing requirements for professional and occupational licenses.

Training Course A course that’s required for an individual to complete to qualify for an occupational or professional license. Includes the course name, a description, and total credits and hours. Course Offering An instance of a training course, including its name, a description, the location, and the start and end dates. Examination Information about authorized examinations that qualify an individual for a professional or occupational license or permit, including the name, description, and status. Training Course Participant A training course completed by a person. Includes details such as the participant’s name, the course offering ID, the name of the institution that offered the training, and the result.

Personal Education Information about the professional education for a person who’s applying for a professional or occupational license or permit. Includes the person’s contact ID, the name of the degree and the educational institution, the education level, graduation date, and status.

Personal Examination Information about an examination taken by a person who’s applying for a professional or occupational license or permit. Includes the person’s contact ID, the name of the exam and the institution that offered the exam, and the result score, completion date, and effective to and from dates.

License Training Requirements in Public Sector Solutions

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